The article studies the important ways of forming modern Ukrainian phytomeliorative terminology – terminolization of generally used vocabulary аnd reterminolization of special vocabulary of other sciences. The sources of forming the analysed terminology are the authentic and foreign vocabularies.
The peculiarities of meaning modification of generally used authentic language units in the process of their terminolization have been analysed. The process deals with the notional terminological specialization of initial meaning of a language unit. As a result it acquires term attributes and corresponds to its demands. More over it takes its place in the phytomeliorative term system, creates certain relations with its other parts. Specialization as defining differentiative attribute of such a term formation variety means formation of scientific notion without metaphoric and metonymic reinterpretation of initial general language meaning of the word. It has been established that generally used authentic vocabulary as a language method of scientific world cognition is terminolized and means a wide range of scientific notions in phytomeliorative terminology. Ten semantic groups of term have been distinguished: 1) names of actions and states (догляд, вирощування); 2) names of plants and their parts (брунька, дерево); 3) names of natural phenomena (вітер, посуха); 4) names of place and space (долина, улоговина); 5) names of land plots, covered with trees and bushes (діброва, чагарник); 6) names of water objects and their parts (болото, заплава); 7) names of substances, materials (глина, пісок); 8) names of highland areas (гори, передгір’я); 9) names of subjects and objects capacities (родючість, урожайність); 10) names of soil types (солонець, солончак), etc.
It has been discovered that reterminolization is a diverse, prospective and powerful way to form the analysed terminology. It has been observed that in process of reterminolization some changes of meaning concerning the addition of phytomeliorative meaning to special units of other branches occur. By means of reterminolization of different branches units the phytomeliorative term system is enriched with both authentic and foreign terms: first of all those beloning to agrochemistry, biochemistry (акарициди, гаметоциди); biology, biocenology, botany (бактерія, мікрофлора, фауна, фітоценоз, мінералізація, фотосинтез), soil science, farming, forestry, plant growing and horticulture (боронування, культиватор, порода, рекультивація, саджанці, торф, чорноземи). The reterminolized units form the conceptual core of phytomelioration. It has been defined that terms-words, terms-word-combinations and components of term-combinations are borrowed from the language of donor branches. to form analytical and synthetical phytomeliorative terms which belong to different term semantic groups.
It has been discovered that the phytomeliorative branch terminology is replenished with general scientific nominations – special units which are not fixed in any scientific term system and are used in almost all branch terminologies, which concretize their meaning within the analysed term system.
It has been ascertained that the important source languages of general scientific terms are Latin еволюція, зона, конструкція, норма, проект, процес, структура, фактор) and Greek (аналіз, криза, метод, синтез, система, технологія). It is caused by the unity between theoretical base of phytomelioration, biology and botany which were favoured in development by these languages. The mentioned units form a part of phytomeliorative terminology and become the components of branch analytical terms (лісостепова зона, тепловий режим біоценозів, фактори ґрунтоутворення, стабільність агрофітоценозу). It has been discovered that only the remote area of phytomeliorative term system is enriched by means of general scientific terms addition. Phytomeliorative terminology is formed mostly by reterminolozation of terms from other sciences and use of general scientific units, and less – by terminolozation in authentic vocabulary of general use.