Problems of the concept “mixture” interpretation and compatible terms in the educational literature

: pp. 50 - 54

Kalinin I., Bogatyrenko V. Problems of the concept “mixture” interpretation and compatible terms in the educational literature // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2018. – # 890.

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

The problem of scientific accuracy of term “mixture” and corrersponding terms (“homogeneous mixture”, “heterogeneous mixture”, “homogeneous mixture”, “heterogeneous mixture”, “dispersed systems”) application in Ukrainian chemical literature for general education and higher education institutions is considered in the article.

Any concept used in science, technology, art, and other spheres of human activity is denoted by "term" - a word or a combination of the lexical system of language. Fixed in the term, the concept appears later as its meaning, and, therefore, to clarify the content of the concept it is necessary to find out the meaning of the word. Without this, it is difficult to understand the properties of an object expressed by this notion, and to clearly distinguish this object from adjacent to it. It is difficult to distinguish the totality of objects covered by this notion. Misunderstanding of the content of the concept has a rather negative consequence - confusion in thinking.

We are confronted with confusion in the formulation of concepts at the level of general educational institutions (GEI), especially at the initial stage in the study of chemistry, when it comes to the interpretation of terms related to the concept of "mixture", for example: "smooth mixtures", "unsmooth mixtures", "homogeneous mixtures", "heterogeneous mixtures" and others like that. Very often exactly in this aspect there is no unity of opinion among the authors of textbooks and manuals on chemistry for GEI, authors of educational and methodical chemical literature for higher educational establishments and sites for preparation for independent external evaluation (IEE).

The analysis of domestic educational literature for both GEI and higher educational institutions (HEI) showed the ambiguity and unsystematic nature of the definitions and interpretations of the terms "mixture" and related "smooth" and "unsmooth", "homogeneous" and "heterogeneous", which often have false judgments in explaining the meaning of the concepts. Yes: there is no single definition for the concept of "mixture"; the concept of smooth and homogeneous, unsmooth and heterogeneous, crushed, dispersed (depending on the size of the particles) are presented as equivalent; in the definitions there is practically no interpretation of homo- or heterogeneity from the standpoint of the physical properties of the physical body as a material macrosystem; in various sources, the mixture is evaluated either from the macro- or microsystem positions (e.g., the molecular system), moreover the authors usually do not indicate the difference between the two approaches in the interpretation of the term.

Due to such terminological uncertainty, the physico-chemical systems of the suspension, emulsions (e.g., milk or medicines), colloidal solutions and alloys are characterized either as smooth (in textbooks for higher education) or as unsmooth (in textbooks on chemistry of GEI) mixtures; often come to scientifically incorrect statements.

Considering that all physico-chemical systems are macrosystems, then from the point of view of the laws of physical chemistry for the characterization of mixtures it is necessary to proceed from the evaluation of their physical parameters as macrosystems. The concept of homogeneous and heterogeneous should be used exclusively in the sense of single-phase and multiphase system. For homogeneous mixtures, the concept of smooth and monophase will be synonymous. However, from the standpoint of the laws of physics and physical chemistry, the concepts that characterize macroscopic material systems, namely, "heterogeneous mixture" and "unsmooth mixture", can not be synonymous. That is why colloidal systems (for example, emulsions, colloidal solutions) are physically smooth systems, though heterogeneous. In addition, in the definition of the term "mixture" scientifically grounded is the use of the term "material system" or simply "system". The term "mixture" is expedient to leave only for systems that are " mechanical mixes". For all other systems instead of the term "mixture" it is appropriate to immediately apply the special terms: solutions, suspensions, rocks, minerals, etc. In view of the current state of the formation of Ukrainian chemical terminology, it is necessary to carry out a thorough evaluation of the quality of educational information on chemistry from the standpoint of scientific accuracy of the use of concepts and terms in order to adapt scientific knowledge to the level of general education and higher education institutions.

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