Features of operation of the Tesla Model S90D electric car in the conditions of the cities of Ukraine

: 75-83
Received: March 09, 2021
Accepted: April 08, 2021
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Tendencies of sustainable development of transport, the use of alternative energy sources, and requirements to the reduction of the carbon footprint on all stages of life cycle on all levels of road transport have led to the increase of the share of the electric car both at the first registration and used vehicles. The appearance of a large amount of used modern electric cars on the market caused the necessity to develop the procedures of provision their technical operation both by requirements of rational use and provision of traffic safety. Research of the use of electric car Tesla Model S90D in conditions of Ukraine is carried out with certain indicators of environment and with different settings of car parameters. This provides an opportunity to understand how much the given model of the electric car is appropriate in exploitation in different conditions and also to determine which parameters of electric car settings fit the economic usage in different conditions and different seasons most of all. By results of road research on the change of accumulator battery capacity depending on the temperature of the environment, we established that the capacity reduces by 1% with every degree of negative temperature. A comfortable range of temperatures is determined for the use of accumulator battery of car (from 0 to 20 °С) is determined. By results of the research, the indicators of the effectiveness of the use of electric car battery power saving mode are determined – the reduction of the consumption is from 14 to 29 % depending on energy consumers. The significant impact of the pressure values in electric car tires on the energy consumption is established independently from turning on the energy consumers – the increase is from 10% to 40% depending on its speed of movement. Additionally, the determination of the indicators of electric car energy effectiveness for the speed of 140-150 km/h is carried out by which the energy use is 550-670 W h/km and provides the driving distance on the level of 160 km.

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