: 72-75
Received: November 04, 2019
Accepted: November 20, 2019

Цитування за ДСТУ: Дронюк І. М., Шпак З. Я., Демида Б. А. Дослідження зміни часового масштабу для обернених Beta-функцій. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2019, т. 1, № 1. С. 72–75.

Citation APA: Dronyuk, I. M., Shpak, Z. Ya., & Demyda, B. A. (2019). Investigation of time scaling for the inverted Beta functions. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 72–75.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Automated Control Systems
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The use of Ateb-functi­ons is de­ter­mi­ned by tho­se are­as whe­re or­di­nary tri­go­no­met­ric functi­ons are used. Mo­dern ad­van­ces in physics ha­ve led to the de­ve­lop­ment of new mat­he­ma­ti­cal are­as that req­ui­re the re­la­ti­vity or va­ri­abi­lity of ti­me. The cur­rent re­se­arches in this fi­eld and ma­in re­sults of stu­di­es of the or­di­nary Ateb functi­ons are bri­efly descri­bed. To ta­ke in­to ac­co­unt compres­si­on/slow-down as a pro­perty of ti­me pa­ra­me­ter, the q-ana­logs of Ateb-si­ne (q-Ateb-si­ne) and Ateb-co­si­ne (q-Ateb-co­si­ne) are construc­ted by in­ver­ting the in­comple­te q-Be­ta functi­ons. The chan­ge in pa­ra­me­ter q cor­res­ponds to the ti­me sca­ling in the stu­di­es. q-ana­logs of Ateb-tan­gent (q-Ateb-tan­gent), Ateb-co­tan­gent (q-Ateb-co­tan­gent), Ateb-se­cant (q-Ateb-se­cant) and Ateb-co­se­cant (q-Ateb-co­se­cant) are intro­du­ced. The­orems cha­rac­te­ri­zing the ba­sic pro­per­ti­es of the construc­ted functi­ons are pro­ved. In par­ti­cu­lar, it is shown that when q→1, ta­king the li­mit we ob­ta­in or­di­nary Ateb-functi­ons. The intro­du­ced functi­ons are pe­ri­odic with the pe­ri­od cor­res­pon­ding to q-ana­log­ue pe­ri­ods of the or­di­nary Ateb-functi­ons. The rep­re­sen­ta­ti­on of the pe­ri­od using the q-ana­log­ue of the Gam­ma-functi­on is construc­ted. The ge­ne­ra­li­zed Pytha­go­re­an iden­tity for the q-ana­log­ues of tri­go­no­met­ric Ateb-functi­ons is pro­ved. Al­so the pro­per­ti­es of the pa­rity and od­dity of the­se functi­ons are con­si­de­red and pro­ved. The in­ter­vals of incre­asing/dec­re­asing for all functi­ons are fo­und. The q-ana­log­ues of the iden­ti­ti­es for­mu­las for the tri­go­no­met­ric Ateb-functi­ons are pre­sen­ted. For­mu­las for cal­cu­la­ting q-de­ri­va­ti­ves for the q-ana­log­ue of tri­go­no­met­ric Ateb-functi­ons are construc­ted. It is pro­ved that construc­ted functi­ons sa­tisfy the system of q-de­ri­va­ti­ve dif­fe­ren­ti­al eq­ua­ti­ons. Re­sults of the pre­sen­ted stu­di­es can be used in the ti­me se­ri­es the­ory and sig­nal pro­ces­sing.

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