Improvement of enterprise activities based on process management
Надіслано: Жовтень 10, 2015
Прийнято: Жовтень 10, 2015
Poznań University of Bisiness and Economics

Process management has been increasingly popular for several years now, yet most frequently it is limited to fragmentary actions, at times even to decla¬rative activity. Few organizations have brought their mana¬ge-ment systems in conformity with the idea of process management; more frequently some particular actions within the range of process approach may be observed. 

Specialization allows efficient realizations of tasks; however, it separates individual organizational unities and amounts to an incentive for internal compe-tition, in the result of which employees are antagonizingly focused on their positions and not on the organization’s business. Among numerous imperfec-tions, or even pathologies caused by hierarchization within the organization, it is noteworthy to point at weak communication, isolation of structures, blurred respon-sibility for the final result. Development of coordinating, supervising and monitoring systems, which are essentially not related to generating added value is also typical in this regard. These systems, however, are crucial for neutralizing negative outcome of the organization’s functioning within the system. (Rutka, 1996); (Borkowski, Siekański, 2004); (Deming, 2000). Therefore, Hammer and Champy proposed an alternative concept of managing organizations, Business Process Reengineering, which initiated the discussion about the effectiveness and efficiency of management. (M. Hammer, J. Champy 1993); (Womack, Jones, 2008); (Ohno, 2008).

Process management is used in the organization and aims at realizing given objectives. It may be meeting the key standard of ISO 9001 at the initial stage of implementing the QMS. However, the motivation is frequently more ambitious as it is related to achieving proper results. 

The processes ought to be mapped, modeled and optimized with the use of a renowned international notation – most frequently BPMF. Finally, we should achieve a comprehensive map in accordance with proper process architecture. The architecture should be based on 4–5 levels with the use of flow charts in the form of VACD (Value Added Chance Diagram) and EPC (Event-driven Process Change). The analyzed research problem is related to conscious use of process mana¬gement conception for realization of a wide range of improvement actions in management.  

The leading management conception heavily relies on the functional orientation, in the range of which the predefined tasks are realized by executors on the basis of superior’s orders. Participants of an organiza-tion perceive the structures through the realized functions, e. g. supply, production, designing. For the organizational objectives defined in this manner specific structural solutions are created (sections, departments, cells, positions). (Grajewski, 2004); (Kunasz 2010).

Process management is still more popular in research than in practice. There are few examples of complex usage of mapping, modeling and process improvement metho¬dologies; more frequent are partial examples of usage.

Despite the increasing popularity of the issues related to process management, or as may be named as a fashion in this regard, taylorian organization is based on division of labor and specialization in the frames of functional areas (Rummler, Brache, 2000), (Grajewski, 2004) (Gregorczyk, Ogonek, 2007); (Kunasz, 2011); (Gabryelczyk, 2000). Numerous titles devoted to process approach were not able to find appropriate manner of expression, which is hardly possible to link uniquely with tradition, conservatism or historic organi-zational solutions. It is noteworthy to emphasize the risk which is recognized by managers during the implemen-tation of process management conception, at least in its comprehensive, model form.

Process management is a conception, which, despite the significant depreciation of its original form (BPR), in some of its aspects plays a highly important role within numerous management conceptions, howe-ver, frequently only to some limited extent. The aim of the present paper is to present the key results of research concerning process optimization of IT services realized for the Polish National Police. 

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