Efficiency of the Organization of the Government Service and Its Implementation in the Public Governance System

: сс. 99 - 106
Lviv Politechnic National University

The issues of efficiency and rational organization of the civil service as an object of research of  domestic  and  foreign  scientists  and  practitioners, international      non-governmental       organizations              are considered. Key factors of influence of the global and national  social  environment  are  analyzed  with  the emphasis on their influence on the level of effective functioning and construction of the civil service system. The criteria of openness, transparency, professionalism, efficiency and modernization for establishing ways of adaptation  of  national  state  institutions  to  European standards and improving the level of efficiency of public administration are  evaluated.  The  main  problems  are revealed in the article and some aspects of forming of adaptive   state   administration   which   efficiency   of functioning   will   provide   growth   of   capacity   and consolidation  of  strategic  positions  of  economy  of Ukraine will be offered, will increase opportunities for social requests of the population. On the basis of the defined systematic methodology for this research and selected methods and tools, some aspects of forming a system  of  criteria  that  can  objectively  evaluate  and improve the effectiveness of the functioning of the public service in the public administration system are proposed.

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