
H. V. Leibnic – anoutstandind thinker of western-european science and cu hure (devoted to 300-years since death)

The article deals with some scientific, philosophical, socially-legal, religious concepts of brilliant German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a huge contribution to the organization and creation of scientific institutions in English, Italy, Germany, Russia and France. Due to his scientific and theoretical creativity he was ahead of his time, formulated the ideas that formed the basis of many modern sciences.

Justice in the philosophical and law thought of new time

In the article has been investigated the genesis of justice and law connections, that allowed to determine the starting point of convergence, and to trace the historical features of the course of such convergence, which reflected in the action area of these phenomena, their content characteristics. It has been determinated the directions of justice problematics output outside the scope of national law and dissemination in international relations.

Personal worldview, humanistic conceptualism

The article deals with the philosophical and legal analysis of personal philosophy through the prism of humanistic conceptualism and therefore formulated the theoretical and  methodological basis of the abovementioned issues. It was found that the presence of cognitive and emotional values of the components and their organic combination creates conditions for ideological correlation identity, a process which with varying intensity and direction is for all human life.

Lexical and grammatical variations of law conceptosphere

The article examines lexical and grammatical variations of law conceptosphere that reflect the linguistic conceptual picture of the world. The law conceptosphere includes, respectively, concepts from the field of law such as the concept of law, justice, judiciary, etc.. Language is rightly called one of the means that explain spirituality of a man, its system of values, mentality, the way of thinking, the process of generating ideas, outlook, behavior.

Support judicial discretion

In terms of competitiveness of the domestic proceedings and the ambiguous approach of the theory of the judicial process and the legislator to judge procedural manifestations of activity in court cases urgent problem of the judge's discretion in the preparation for the trial, in a case in court, the reopening of the case in view of new or newly discovered facts.

Civil society as a form of expression of the collective consciousness

The article is dedicated to the formation of a collective consciousness through the forms
and mechanisms of civil society. The author highlighted the functions of civil society
institutions, that exercising influence on the formation of legal consciousness of society
including human rights, information and ideology. We come to the conclusion that civil society
acts as the center of the formation of collective consciousness and its source of institutes of
formation of the consciousness of citizens

Legal modelling of law consciousness in the context of legal doctrine

The article is devoted to the study of the General characteristics of modelling of legal consciousness entity, group and society.The author is attempting to simulate the main characteristics of the phenomenon of consciousness depending on the generally accepted legal concepts of formation and operation of the law. We come to the conclusion that legal modelling of law consciousness depends on the prevailing in society theoretical principles of legal understanding. Constructing an ultimate model of this phenomenon leads to a comprehensive approach to realize the value of law.

Justice as the basis right to justice court

In the article the understanding of justice. The complex philosophical and legal ideas and views on the category justice thinkers summarized in three stages: ancient philosophical and legal thought, representatives of the school of “natural law” and a modern understanding of justice. The attention that this is an essential category of rights.

Moral and phenomenological character nature of law

The article deals with the moral nature of law as a social phenomenon that is a complete harmonious formation, because its most important task is to consolidate and combine those parts of the integrated world of the society and man which are being destroyed. Under the natural and legal approach law is analyzed as justice, perfection, and truth.