
The rule of law and legality as signs of a legal state

The article is devoted to the problem of observance of pravoporyadka and zakonnost, and it should certainly be based on the provisions of the Basic Law of Ukraine, which define our state as a sovereign and independent, democratic, social and law (item1), inwhich the rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the essence and orientation of the activity of the state and its main responsibility is with the approval and support of such rights and freedoms (article 3).

Essence of legality in public administration warranties and its compliance

The article is devoted to clarifying the content and essence of legality in public administration, which is important in today's conditions, because the construction of legal, democratic state that is one of the priorities of the formation and strengthening of statehood in Ukraine, related primarily to the strengthening legality and state discipline.

Nihilismas the opposite of legal culture and deformation of justice

This paper addresses the problem of the historical origins of nihilism as a social phenomenon, its development and existence of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and its negative effects, which take place in the modern construction of the independent Ukrainian state. Particular emphasis is on the role of the legal nihilism as the opposite of legal culture and strains of modern youth justice in Ukraine.

The substance of the legal nature of the national goverment

The article examines the place and role of the national state and the substance of the creative process. Particular attention is paid to the national spirit, national mentality and national consciousness of the individual in public-power mechanisms. Attempting to determine the national substance in transformational paradigm of modern society.