Діяльність Володимира Старосольського як адвоката та громадського діяча у сфері захисту мовних прав українців у Другій Речі Посполитій

Citation APA: Kovalchuk V. (2024) The Activity of Volodymyr Starosolskyi as a Lawyer and Public Activists in Protecting the Language Rights of Ukrainians in the Second Polish Republic. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 3 (43), С. 88-94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23939/law2024.43.088 

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, Навчально-науковий інститут права та психології

The article examines Volodymyr Starosolskyi’s contributions as a lawyer, public figure, and
scholar of constitutionalism, specifically focusing on his role in defending the language rights of
Ukrainians in the Second Polish Republic. This is explored within the broader context of the
Ukrainian national question in the early 20th century. The article highlights the political, legal, and
social realities of the time, detailing Starosolskyis involvement in judicial political processes against
Ukrainians in Poland, as well as his political and legal writings.
The study is based on a significant range of sources, including Volodymyr Starosolskyi’s
correspondence, scientific treatises on language policy, and courtroom speeches. These materials
provide a comprehensive understanding of his worldview and beliefs. Particular attention is given to
the formation of his ideas, which were shaped by prominent Ukrainian public figures and legal
scholars, such as I. Voloshyn, R. Dombachevskyi, M. Glushkevych, S. Dnistryanskyi, K. Levytskyi,
and I. Franko.
The article also uncovers lesser-known aspects of Starosolskyis legal practice, including his
active participation in the Union of Ukrainian Lawyers, a professional association dedicated to
defending the national rights of Ukrainians. Additionally, it analyzes the judicial political trials of the
1930s, in which Starosolskyi defended the language rights of Ukrainians.
The author concludes that Starosolskyi’s involvement in the human rights movement in
Western Ukraine, particularly in response to the Polish governments discriminatory policies, became
the driving force of his legal and public work. His advocacy for Ukrainian language rights was a
central aspect of his broader efforts to address Ukraines national and socio-political challenges and to
realize the vision of an independent Ukrainian state.

1. Hankevych L. (1934) Desiatylittia Soiuzu Ukrainskykh Advokativ [Decade of the Union of Ukrainian  Lawyers]. Yuvileinyi Almanakh Soiuzu Ukrainskykh Advokativ. SUA:Lviv. P. 38 - 73. [In Ukrainian].
2. Baran S. (1934) Shliakhamy nashoho vidrodzhennia [The ways of our rebirth.]Zhyttia i pravo. Ch.2.(1) P. 3- 18.  [In Ukrainian].
3. Vazhka misiia oborontsiv u politychnykh protsesakh (1934). [The difficult mission of defenders in political processes]. Hazeta “Dilo”. 11 serpnia. P. 3. [In Ukrainian].
4. Ohorodnyk T. (2003) Uchast V. Starosolskoho u sudovykh politychnykh protsesakh proty ukraintsiv u II Rechi Pospolytii 1932-1934 rr. [V. Starosolsky's participation in political trials against Ukrainians in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1932-1934.] Hazeta “Dilo”. Zbirnyk prats Naukovo-doslidnoho Za pravo movy / R. Dombachevskyi. Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.3. vyp. 11 / NAN Ukrainy, Lvivska naukova b-ka im.. V. Stefanyka, Naukovo-doslidnyi tsentr periodyky; Redkol. M.M. Romaniuk (vidp. red.) ta in.  Lviv. P. 269-279. [In Ukrainian].
5. Z zhyttia nashoi orhanizatsii (1938) [From the life of our organization]. Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv.  Ch.3. P. 23-24. [In Ukrainian].
6. Dombachevskyi R. (1931) Za pravo movy.[ For the right to speak]. Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.3. P. 25–30. [In Ukrainian].
7. Levytskyi K. (1932) V borotbi za prava ukrainskoi movy [In the struggle for the rights of the Ukrainian language.] Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.2. P.36-38. [In Ukrainian].
8. Starosolskyi V.(1938) Prava ukrainskoi movy [ The rights of the Ukrainian language]. Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.4. P.1-9. [In Ukrainian].
9. Voloshyn M. (1938) Prava ukrainskoi movy [Rights of the Ukrainian language]. Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.1.  P. 28-36. [In Ukrainian].
10. Za prava ukrainskoi movy (1931) [For the rights of the Ukrainian language]. Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.1.  P. 24-25. [In Ukrainian].
11. Ohorodnyk T. (2000) Volodymyr Starosolskyi – publitsyst, redaktor, vydavets. Ukrainska periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist [Volodymyr Starosolskyi - publicist, editor, publisher. Ukrainian periodicals: history and modernity.] Lviv. P. 485-489. [In Ukrainian].
12. Dombachevskyi R. (1928). Z zhyttia nashykh ustanov [From the life of our institutions.] Zhyttia i pravo. Lviv. Ch.2. P. 38-50.  [In Ukrainian].
13. Za prava ukrainskoi movy (1932) [For the rights of the Ukrainian language] Zhyttia i pravo. Ch.2. P. 52-58. [In Ukrainian].
14. Prava ukrainskoi movy na tereni okruzhnoi advokatskoi rady u Lvovi (1938) [Ukrainian language rights on the territory of the district bar council in Lviv. Lviv. Ch.4. P. 2-9. [In Ukrainian].
15. Starosolskyi V. (1950). Politychne pravo: kurs lektsii [Political law: a course of lectures]. Regensburh-Novyi Ulm: UTHI. 373 p. [In Ukrainian].
16. Starosolskyi V. (1991) Teoriia natsii [Theory of the nation]. Zapysky Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka [za red. red. U. Starosolska]. T.210. P. 161-324. [In Ukrainian].