Marketing communications as a necessary prerequisite for efficient work of a philharmony

: pp. 70 - 80
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"

The purpose of the article is to summarize the peculiarities of marketing communications in the field of culture and arts and philharmonic in particular, to consider the financial component of the activities of the philharmonic and to propose measures for its improvement. Analyze modern creative means and tools of communication marketing and adapt them for activities of philharmonic. The article investigates that organizations of the sphere of culture and arts and philharmonic society, in particular, operate in conditions of instability, great competition and uncertainty. Their success depends directly on the number of visitors. Therefore, marketing communications play an extremely important role in the life of cultural and arts organizations and the philharmonic. In general, the marketing of organizations of the socio-cultural sphere and the philharmonic, in particular, consists of the same components - good, price, place and promotion, but in the philharmonic they have their own specific, which is that the product can be divided into the main and the additional. It is also noted that the implementation of philharmonic events non-commercial and commercial marketing leads to the same effects - a high commercial outcome. The difficulty in promoting of philharmonic arts services is due to lack of funds for such events. In order to realize marketing measures of a flexible strategy of cultural and arts organization, it is proposed to implement the latest financial technologies - fundraising and crowdfunding. Elements of scientific novelty can see in construction of an algorithm of action in the application of fundraising, as well as in generalization of modern types of marketing communications tools for the philharmonic. The practical value of this study is to elaborate on the application of four possible to promote the future of the Philharmonic's concert, namely Event- Marketing, Art-Marketing, Entertainment Marketing and Guerrilla Marketing. The advantages, disadvantages and costs of each of these promotion methods are outlined. The research found that Guerrilla marketing or Art-marketing is inappropriate due to its quot;aggressive" way of promoting and possible problems with obtaining permission, while Entertainment-marketing and Event marketing are recommended for use in the Philharmonic. Also the main stages of the use of Event-marketing are described in detail. It is recommended to borrow foreign experience. For the Philharmonic, it is suggested to use the experience of the world class chamber orchestra of Manchester Kamerata. This orchestra promotes its cultural product very flexible and attract the maximum number of viewers. Further research will address the more detailed study of the effectiveness of marketing activities of the cultural and arts organizations.

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