Temperature field of metal structures of transport facilities with a thin protective coating

A study of the temperature field in metal structures of transport facilities with corrosion-resistant coating under the conditions of changes in ambient temperature has been conducted.  The results of experimentally determined temperature distribution in the surface vicinity of a galvanized metal sheet are presented.  The data were obtained over the day at positive and negative surface temperatures.  Given a generalized boundary condition for the heat conduction problem, with a solid heated by a localized heat flow through a thin coating, there has been obtained and analyzed a temperature field.  The temperature distribution across the surface outside the heating region during heat propagation along the coating was analyzed.  Experimental data and model calculations, as well as temperature calculations allowing for the coating and not, have been compared.  It has been established that the effect of coating on the temperature distribution in the metal structure, when the solid is heated by a localized heat flow through a thin coating, is insignificant.

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