Townscape of Lviv – phases of development (the end of 18th – beginning 21th century)


Bohdan Posatskyy

Lviv Polytechnic National University
12, Bandery str., 79013, Ukraine

This article considers the evolution of the townscape of Lviv in connection with natural landscape, civil buildings and housing during the end of 18th – beginning 21thcentury.

[1]    Petryshyn H. Opisy i widoki Lwowa przekaźnikiem jego tożsamości (koniec XVII – poł. XIX wieku). W: Tożsamość krajobrazu miasta / Identity of the Landscape of the City. Red. nauk. H. Petryshyn, E. Sochacka-Sutkowska, Szczecin: ZUT, 2012, 360 s., 223–232.

[2]    New city center occupied swampy areas in the Poltva river valley to the West and South of medieval town. It can presumed that there was an idea of surrounding of the city centre by the circle boulevard. 

[3]    The building of the new Town Hall, erected in 1835, is much more larger and massive then the previous one. 

[4]    Stones from the walls of the dismantled High Castle were used gor construction of the new urban boulvards and for the barrow on the eastern part of the terrace of the High Castle park, spread over to commemorate the 300-th anniversary of the Lublin Union in 1869: – Kniazhyy Lviv, Halytska Brama. 1996, Nо. 12, p. 8. 

[5]    Biryulyov Y. (ed.), (2007), Lviv. A Guidebook for the Visitor. Lviv: The Centre of Europe Publishing House, 268–269.

[6]    In the first half of the 20th c. town developed mainly by intensive mastering of the territory. The old housing was altered by new one, maintaining the new spatial scale, set at beginning of the 20th c., as well as the planning of the territory.

[7]    The Exhibition “City and Housing” which took place in Lviv in 1926, produced a tremendous influence upon the modern architectural forms of Lviv housing in 1930 s.

[8]    Posatskyy B. Nimetskyy plan perebudovy centralnoho ansamblu Lvova u 1943 – 1944 [in;] Pavliuk S. (ed.), Narodoznavchi Zoshyty, 2002, No. 1–2, 118–126.

[9]    Cherkes B. Stalinskie planuvannia Lvova, [in:] Cherkies B. (ed.), Visnyk DU “Lvivska Politekhnika”. Arkhitektura, 1999. No. 379, 99–104.

[10]    The Government of the USSR had subordinated urban development of Lviv after 1945 to the “Programme of the industrialization of West Ukraine”, which drafted large machine-buildang and electronic plant in the town

[11]    Soviet urban planning and urban desighn standards determined strictly hierarchi of the territorial units in the town. Simultaneosly the type of buildings was determined. In 1960–1970s only two main types of multifamily houses were generally applied: 5 and 9 storey.

[12]    Multistorey dwelling houses were built of bricks (traditional technology) or of great concrete elements.

[13]    Cherkes B. Development of the largest residential district of Lviv-Sykhiv. – Architectural Studies. Vol. 1, Nо. 1. Ed. 

B. Cherkes, 2015, 5.

[14]    Arkhitekturnyy Visnyk. – Lviv, 1997, Nо. 2–3, 38.

[15]    By renewing of Ukraine’s independence in 1991 and transition to market economy state was no more main inwestor, while the “new” private investors still posses rather limited capital. At the same time, the collapse of the USSR caused an economic crises in Ukraine, which still lasts.

[16]    Changes in the legislation facilitated this process, allowing to construct single family houses by private investors, practically with no limitation.

[17]    Posatskyy B. Origins and Spatial Development of Lviv. – Lviv and Lodz at the turn of 20th century/ Historical Outline and Natural Environment / Ed. Mykola Habrel, Lodz: Lodz University Press, 2013, 41.