Fuzzy expert model to assess the soil fertility for soybean production in Madhya Pradesh

Fuzzy expert model to assess the soil fertility for soyabean production in Madhya Pradesh India is an agricultural country.  Around 70 percent of the country's population are farmers.  Farmers are the backbone of the country's economy.  In this paper, we have developed a fuzzy logic-based expert model which will help suggest to the farmers the appropriate quantity and ratio of nutrients required by the soil for the proper growth of the soyabean crop in Madhya Pradesh.  This fuzzy model can assist farmers in determining the status of available pH values, electric conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc., which are present in the soil.  This work intends to forecast the amount of soil fertilizers that the soil needs based on the available fertilizers established during soil tests.  Thus, our work will be useful for farmers to determine the soil fertility rate before sowing the soyabean crop.  This fuzzy expert model has been implemented in MATLAB using a fuzzy toolbox.

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