Architectural Design and Engineering Lviv Polytechnic National University

У представленій статті висвітлено напрямки у проєктуванні житлових будинків Львова та етапи розвитку їх забудови протягом ХІХ–ХХ ст. Описано особливості й закономірності планувальних та об’ємно-просторових структур типових будинків, що формували міський простір до початку ХХ ст. Встановлено вплив існуючого історично-культурного осередку на сучасну архітектурно-будівельну практику.

Vuytsyk V. Lviv State Historical and Architectural Reserve. - Lviv .: Kamenyar, 1973. - 123 p.
Vuytsyk V., Lypka R. Meeting with Lviv: a guide - Lviv: Kamenyar, 1987. - 175p .: ill.
Demkiv M., Linda S. Methods of stylistic analysis of historical objects // Bulletin of the State Institution "LP" 75375 "Architecture": Lviv, 1999.-p.27-31.
Klymenyuk T. Lviv School of Architecture // Architecture of Ukraine. - 1991. - № 5. - С.18.
Chronicle of Lviv, its monuments and attractions with a guide. Lviv 1909.
Lypka R., Kovalchuk T. Classical traditions of the architectural school at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries // Bulletin of the State University "Lviv Polytechnic": Ser. Architecture. - 1991. - № 252. - P.130 - 132.
Linda S. Architecture of Lviv in the period of historicism: patterns and specifics of development // Bulletin of the State Institution "LP" №375 "Architecture": Lviv, 1998.-p.76-86.
Litynski M. The Skarbkowski Building against the background of Lviv architecture in the first half of the 19th century. - Lviv: Printed by the Skarbkowska Foundation, 1921.- 94 pp.
Modern Wiener Baroque facades. - Wien: Kunst verlag Schroii, 1890. - 26 p.
Pasichnyk O. Genesis of the architectural school of Lviv Polytechnic and the contribution of its graduates to the development of architecture: Abstract. dis. ... arch. - Lviv, 2004. - 20 p.
Purhlya J. Viennese influences on the architecture of Lviv in 1772-1918 // Architecture of Lviv in the XIX century. - Krakow, 1997. - P. 31 - 53.
Guide from Krakow to Lviv, Podwoloczysk, Brodow, Sloboda Rungyrska, Cerniowiec and Lviv. - Lwow: Nakladem Towarzystwa Politehnicznego we Lwowie, 1886. - 105 p.
Rudnytsky A. History and traditions of the Lviv architectural school. // Bulletin of the Lviv Polytechnic State University: Ser. Architecture. - 2003. - № 429. - P.4 - 13.
Silnyk O. Development of architecture of apartment buildings of Lviv 1772-1918: dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of architecture: 18.00.01 - theory of architecture, restoration of architectural monuments / National University "Lviv Polytechnic". - Lviv, 2008. - 20 p.
Tregubova T., Mykh R. Lviv: architectural-historical essay / Kyiv, Budivelnyk, 1989. - 272 p.
Shyshka O. Our city. - Lviv: Center of Europe, - 2002. - 192 p.
The house on Vyshenskoho Street, 23. - DALO, f.2, op.1, file no. 1763
The house on Horodotska Street, 43. - DALO, f.2, op.1, file no. 1853
The house on Horodotska Street, 47. - DALO, f.2, op.1, file no. 1857
The house on Doroshenko Street, 22. - DALO, f. 2, op. 1, 3741.
The house on Copernicus Street, 32. - DALO, f. 2, op. 1, file no. 5463.
The house on Lychakivska Street, 32, DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 251.
The house on Kotlyarevskoho Street, 37. - DALO, f.2, op. 1, file no. 5262.
The house on Nalyvayka Street, 13. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 3592.
The house on Saksaganskoho Street, 7. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 3893.
The house on Saksaganskoho Street, 9. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 3894.
The house on Bandera Street, 2, 2, a. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 4751.
The house on Stalin Street, 3. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 4757.
The house on Bandera Street, 7. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 4757.
The house on Tudor Street, 12. - DALO, f. 2, op. 2, file no. 3492.
The house on Franka Street, 46. - DALO, f. 2, op. 3, file no. 902.
The house on Franka Street 18, 18. - DALO, f. 2, op. 3, file no. 702.
The house on Parkova Street, 7. - DALO, f. 2, op. 1, file no. 5016.
The house on Novakivskoho Street, 8. - DALO, f.2, op. 2, file no. 1788