control system


This paper presents a test platform paradigm for underwater dynamics measurement. The platform aims to ad- dress the limitations of current measurement techniques and provide a comprehensive understanding of underwater dynamics. The proposed platform incorporates advanced control systems and compensation techniques to improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements. The effectiveness of the platform is demonstrated through experimental results, showing improved performance compared to existing methods.

Система управління безпекою життєдіяльності мешканців великого міста

Розглянуто основні поняття безпеки життєдіяльності міста, особливості управління безпекою, постановка задачі управління безпекою міста, фактори впливу на безпкеку міста та наслідки цього впливу, проаналізовано зв”язок факторів впливу та наслідків для типових об”єктів та систем міського середовища.

Концепция реконфигурации управления для восстановления управляемости и устойчивости самолета в отказных ситуациях

Обоснована возможность применения системных методов реконфигурации управляющих поверхностей для возобновления управляемости и устойчивости самолета в условиях внезапного возникновения особой ситуации в полете. Приведена структурная и функциональная схема предложенной реконфигурируемой системы управления.

Метод структурного синтезу регулятора для збереження керованості та стійкості літака в умовах нештатної ситуації у польоті

Запропоновано метод структурного синтезу регулятора для збереження керова- ності та стійкості літака в умовах нештатної ситуації під час польоту.

The method of structural synthesis of regulator for maintenance controllability and stability of the airplane in the unmoral conditions is offered in the article.


The synthesis of the structure of the automatic control system of direct current motors is carried out, and the methodology of the study of the duration of the transient process during the control of the direct current motor is presented. A study of the influence of the regulator parameters on the duration of the transition process was carried out, which allowed to choose the optimal ones for the criterion of the minimum duration of the transition process

Modeling of the modes of operation of wind energy installations in hybrid power supply systems

The article presents modern schemes for the organization of wind-solar power supply systems. Available approaches to managing the energy-dynamic process of operation of wind power plants as part of hybrid power supply systems are given, and modern research on this topic is given. The results of the development of a mathematical model of the energy-dynamic processes of the hybrid wind-solar power supply system, which includes wind power plants, solar panels, and a battery energy storage system. The universal structural diagram of such a system is substantiated.

Method of controlling a group of unmanned aircraft for searching and destruction of objects using artificial intelligence elements

The article develops a method of controlling a group of unmanned aerial vehicles to search for and destroy enemy objects.  The method is to recognize situations and adjust the actions of the group according to it.  The basis of the method is the use of an intelligent decision support system.  It provides situation recognition, using image recognition materials (intelligence materials), generalization of the obtained information and its comparison with the elements of the set of descriptions of typical situations.  The method of controlling a group of unmanned aerial vehicles to search for a

An Application of the Altivar 320 Frequency Inverter as a Process Automation Tool

The article is shown the possibility and efficiency of the using of the ATV320 frequency inverter as an automation tool in case using of integrated logic controller ATV Logic. The example of practical realization of the control system of crusher electric drive is given.