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O. M. Hnylko
O. M. Hnylko
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine
3 a Naukova street, Lviv
Articles published in Academic Journals of Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Geological environments forming the Eocene black-shale formation of the Silesian Nappe (Ukrainian Carpathians)
The chaotic formations of the south-western part of the Krosno zone are the products of forming and evolution of the Dukla nappe (Ukrainian Carpathians)
1(3), 2000
Tectonic zoning of the Carpathians in term`s of the terrane tectonics article 2. The Flysch Carpathian – ancient accretionary prism
1(12), 2012
Evolution of the Boryslav-Pokuttya and Sambir nappes and tectonic setting miocene molasse basins (Ukrainian Pre-Carpathians)
1(4), 2004
Tectonic zoning of the Carpathians in terms of the terrane tectonics section 1. Main units of the Carpathian building
1(10), 2011
Structure of the lateral extrusion in the Carpathians
1(22) 2017