Process and environmental problems during waste water drainage at refineries

: 102-109
LLC “Ukrgazprombud”
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
Lviv Polytechnic National University
E “Lvivdipronaftokhim”

Refineries can generate a significant amount of wastewater that has process and non-process origins and as a rule has been a contact with hydrocarbons. Depending on the size, crude, products type and complexity of operations the characteristics of industrial wastewater can vary within wide limits. Considering that there is a shortage of available raw water in many locations, and a fact that a typical refinery produces anywhere from 0,3 to 5 m3 of wastewater per ton of crude processed, the reuse of treated refinery wastewater is increasingly coming into focus. But treated wastewater quality directly depends on the adequacy of influent segregation according to constituents that may require treatment. Furthermore, rational influent segregation may result in reductions in wastewater flow and contaminant load at industrial wastewater treatment plant. It should be noted the refinery influents can also contain significant concentrations of benzene and other volatile organic compounds that tend to vaporize in the sewerage network leading to excessive emissions as well as a odour problems and fire risk at the refinery area. That is why assessment of sewerage network technical conditions at existing refineries is very actual problem and needs to make an engineering and scientific analysis. In this investigation, the ecological and technical aspects of wastewater management are considered in order to create the preconditions for their re-use in the maximum possible volume and ultimately reduce the environmental impact of a refinery’s discharge. It has been offered decisions for improvement of wastewater management of existing refinery on the base of cause and effect interconnections (Ishikawa diagram) that influence the environmental safety level of sewerage network. Proposed new method of pressurized drainage system may result in effective wastewater segregation, reduction of volatile organic compounds emissions more than two times, reduce the volume of wastewater leaked out of sewerage network and increase fire safety level at existing refineries.

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