Dual education in nurse training: international practice and implementation prospects in Ukraine

: pp. 86 - 97
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Dean of the Department, Andrey Krupynsky Lviv Medical Academy

Problem statement. A lack of professional practicing in the course of studies was identified by nursing students, educators, practitioners and other stakeholders as one of the main challenges in higher and continuous nursing education. Quite often, graduates of nursing colleges, institutes and academies come to work without stable practical skills. After all, nursing curriculum focuses mostly on teaching in a speculative, abstract manner. As of February 24, 2022, in connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, nursing students  are actually deprived of the opportunity to work at the patient’s bedside, develop practical skills in a real environment. The inconsistency of the education content and educational paradigm in Ukraine with the most recent world trends in nursing and current health care needs is a concern to be addressed.

The solution of the stated problem can be achieved through introducing a system of dual nursing education based on equal and responsible partnership between nursing educators and practitioners.

Analysis of the latest literature on the issue raised in the article shows a strong interest of Ukrainian scientific community in many dual education concepts, including nursing.

The problem of introduction and peculiarities of dual education is addressed in the papers of G.G. Oleskova, M.A. Azhazhi, Y.O. Dovgenko, L.I. Yaremenko, Y.V. Yare- menko, O.L. Kravchenko, L. V. Martsenyuk and O. V. Gruzdev.

However, despite a significant number of research papers highlighting various problematic aspects of the dual education system, the research of dual education during the training of nurses has been covered inadequately.

Presenting  main  material.  The  term  of  «dual  system»  comes  from  the  Latin «dualis», double. This system, which provides for the coordinated interaction of the educational and industrial spheres in the training of qualified personnel of a certain profile within the framework of organizationally different forms of training was developed in the mid-60s of the last century in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). Subsequently, this system was adopted by Canada, Austria, Switzerland, and other countries.

The development of the dual education system in Ukraine was commenced in 2015. Since the very beginning, dual education has been considered effective for applied specialties related to production. Nursing care can be interpreted as the production of a certain list of services by nursing staff, and therefore the dual education system can be applied to the training of nurses.

The first step in introducing the dual form of nursing education should be a joint decision made by the educational institution and the employer. Next, it is required to monitor the labor market potential, determine the list of specialties (professions) for which educational programs of the dual form of education will be developed, approve their list, adopt relevant internal documents, and conclude relevant agreements.

The implementation of the dual educational process involves the development of an educational program meeting professional standards and requirements for the competencies of future nursing professionals.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The introduction of a dual education system in nursing will improve the practical training of nursing staff, align the same with the practical medicine standards and the labor market requirements, contribute to the updating of academic content, increase the competitiveness of graduates of nursing educational institutions, as well as encourage students to study.

In response to the challenges of nursing development, to promote the introduction of a dual education system in the training of nurses, it is advisable to hold more conferences and round tables, as well as create platforms for interaction between all stakeholders who care about nursing.

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