Charitable activity of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky in the field of cultural and artistic heritage

: pp. 25 - 29
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

On the basis of analysis of scientific sources in the given article was made an attempt to highlight the life of the metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, follow his charity and patronage activities in the field of cultural — artistic heritage and emphasize the importance and impact of its work on stimulus spiritual and cultural development of the Ukrainian people.

One of the most powerful figures of the 20th century who had extraordinary authority and influence on Ukrainian history and culture was the figure of AndreySheptytskyi. His personality harmoniously combines not only encyclopedic erudition and spiritual grace but also extraordinary gift of a leader who founded schools, academies, supported theological studios, secular education, media and the arts.

The purpose of this article is to recollect Metropolitan’s life, and especially his sacrificial patronage activities in the field of promotion of Ukrainian culture. This year the Ukrainian community will celebrate 150th birth anniversary of A. Sheptytskyi.

There are a number of works devoted to the life of AndreySheptytsky. They mostly relate to his church and public activities. Studies have drawn attention to the charities of the metropolitan. These works include research of L. Voloshyn, O. Gavryliuk, O. Kravchenyuk, L. Roshchina, O. Sydor, etc.

Unfortunately, there aren’t so many integrate works on the current subject. Therefore, an aim of the paper is an attempt to analyze the philanthropic activity of the metropolitan Sheptytsky. The scientific significance of the theme is complemented by its political relevance in a modern life of Ukraine.

Today Ukrainians as never before understand the meaning of words to be a benefactor and philanthropist. Especially when trouble hit on our land and numerous people need help. The activity of volunteers of various NGOs indicates a large number of people who selflessly and sincerely helping people who are in need. One should remember that the history of our nation is full of charity — generous, selfless and truly Christian. A striking example of this is the life of religious and civic activist AndreySheptytskyi.

The metropolitan has paid much attention to the development of cultural and educational life of Galicians. It contributed to the awakening of national consciousness of Ukrainian population. In 1902, the Metropolitan assisted to the opening of Ukrainian school in Stanislav, and in 1910 at a meeting in Vienna of the House of lords insisted on establishing of Ukrainian university in Lviv. In 1913 the Austrian Emperor issued a decree according to which Ukrainian university in Lviv was opened September 1, 1916. The Russian Empire accepted this fact hostile. Therefore, when the First World War began and Russian troops entered the territory of Galicia. The Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky was arrested and taken away to Russia as Ukrainian patriot.

It is necessary to distinguish A. Sheptytskyi patronage in the preservation and development of Ukrainian art. The Metropolitan believed that an essential step in the development of the spirituality of the Ukrainian people is a conservation Ukrainian iconography. In support of this idea the Church Museum was opened in 1905. Later it received the status of Ukrainian National Museum of Lviv. The museum’s funds saved one of the largest collections of Ukrainian icons due to the financial assistance of A. Sheptytskyi and hard and dedicated work of a museum director I. Svientsítskyi and his colleagues. 

Thus, in 1905 the Metropolitan purchased 15 thousand exhibits for the museum totaling 2 million kroons. And later A. Sheptytskyi managed to buy a magnificent palace to improve preserve of Ukrainian museum rarities (present address — 42 Dragomanova Street).

Metropolitan not only kept the spiritual heritage of the past, he also saw the need to contribute to the future development of Ukrainian culture, training and education of future national artistic intelligentsia. A. Sheptytskyi offered to create an artistic school for talented Ukrainian youth who have brought the Ukrainian art from the state of provincialism and obscurantism to the next level by using their education and talent. The Metropolitan invited to Lviv from Krakow O. Nowakowski, who supported him financially. They have commonly developed an implementation of workshops for young artists. In 1923-1935 the first Ukrainian art school in Galicia started its work.

AndreySheptytskyi led the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) in a difficult period for our nation. But he knew that the only real opportunity to prove to the world the existence of the nation is to show its creative spiritual greatness. As a head of the church and wealthy man, he had a great chance to implement this idea. The metropolitan devoted himself to serving God and protection of the interests of the Ukrainians.

Thus, the figure of the metropolitan A. Sheptytskyi is one of the most outstanding in our modern history. He is an example of a comprehensive gifted person with a deep analytic mind who has managed to be a good leader of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. AndreySheptytskyi had an active political and social position, patriotism and a spirit of aristocrats.

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