Refractometry (achievements and challenges)

: pp. 5 – 15
Lviv Polytechnic National University

In work achievements and barriers on a way of the decision of problems refractometry –  a science studying laws expansion of electromagnetic waves (EMV) in non-uniform for density  to an atmosphere of the Earth and in interplanetary space are stated. The contribution of the Lvov school of a refraction to this science and the further research problems is described. 

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  4. Ostrovs'kij A.L. Vivedennja formuli viznachennja anomal'noї vertikal'noї refrakcії na osnovі termіchnoї turbulentnostі atmosferi. [Derivation of formula for determining anomalous vertical refraction through thermal turbulence of the atmosphere] [Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography]. Lviv, 2003, no. 64, pp. 59-72.
  5. Ostrovsjkyj A.L., Moroz O.I. Do problemy onovlennja derzhavnoji vysotnoji osnovy Ukrajiny. [On the problem of updating the state high-altitude basis Ukraine] [Geodesy, Cartography and aeroznimannya]. Lviv, 2000, no.60, pp. 54-58.
  6. Ostrovskiy A. Regularities of fluctuations and determination of vertical gradients of temperature and anomalous refraction of the light  beam in thermally turbulent atmosphere. Reports on Geodesy Warsaw university of technology no. (2) 25,1997, pp. 21–33.
  7. Ostrovsjkyj A.L., Ostrovsjka O.A., Novosad V.M., Kiselyk O.V. Porivnjaljni doslidzhennja tochnosti avtomatyzovanogho vyznachennja ta vrakhuvannja anomaljnoji vertykaljnoji refrakciji santylometrom, videoteodolitom, cyfrovym nivelirom. [Comparative studies of the accuracy of the automated determination and consideration of anomalous vertical refraction santylometrom, videoteodolitom, digital leveling] [Geodynamics]. Lviv, 2004, no. 1 / (4), pp. 17-23.
  8. Prokopov A.V., Remezov Je. Reguljarnye troposfernye jeffekty pri opticheskih i radiotehni-cheskih nabljudenijah ISZ v geodezii, geofizike, navigacii, meteorologii. [Regular tropospheric effects in optical observations and radiotehni¬cheskih satellite geodesy, geophysics, navigation, meteorology] [Recent advances in geodetic science and industry]. Lviv, 2004, pp. 125-129.
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  10. Stashhinish I.I. Razrabotka i issledovanie metodov ucheta nivelirnoj refrakcii v turbu-lentnoj atmosfere. [Development and research of accounting methods leveling refraction in the turbulent atmosphere]. [author's abstract on dis]. Lviv, 1988, 24 p.
  11. Chernjaka P.Gh. Vplyv elektrychnogho polja na tochnistj gheodezychnykh vymirjuvanj. [Effect of electric field on the accuracy of geodetic measurements] [Engineering geodesy]. Kyiv, 2000, Vol. 42, pp. 209-227.