Problem statement and the research purpose. The aim of this article is to analyse the wear of drill bits and to identify the elements of the bit that are responsible. Methods. The introduction of computerisation and automation in mechanical engineering has radically changed the approach to drill bit design. The hierarchy of functional elements of the drill bit is represented by a graph in which the drill bit as a product has the following levels: parts, components, zones. A comparative assessment of the quality of the roller cutter was carried out by determining the permissible deviations from the actual value of the quality indicator. Results. It was found that the coefficient of interaction between machines and the control of technological inheritance are also important in the technological route. It is known that heat treatment is a kind of barrier in the technological route, and its influence on the quality of blanks and finished pellets requires a separate study. Scientific novelty and practical importance. The study allows us to find alternatives which are carried out according to the criterion of minimising deviations and which are recorded on technological operations. The parametric approach is effective for this purpose. It allows to formalise the objective function as a generalised quality criterion.
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