: pp. 53-57
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The current state of development of the metrological provision of measuring equipment for the competitiveness of  products,  safety  at  work  (radiation  safety),  obtaining  objective  diagnostic  information  in  medical  practice  is  analyzed. Metrological  support  is  one  of  the  main  steps  in  the  production  process  that  influences  the  measurement  results  and  their qualitative evaluation.

Prospects  of  development  and  improvement  of  metrological  support  of  measurements  in  the  industry  are  considered. Improvement of metrological assurance of measurements in  industry  (especially  in nuclear power) should go  in  the direction of development of methods of dismantling control of metrological serviceability of measuring instruments, including test equipment as well as the theory and practice of individual evaluation of metrological reliability of measuring instruments.

Proposed  ways  to  ensure  the  accuracy  of  measurement  results  in  improving  the  metrological  support  of  industrial measuring instruments are introduction and development of:

– methods of unmanaged metrological verification and creation of program-controlled and highly reproducible calibrators

– evaluation of reliable indicators of measuring instruments into metrological practice;

– methods of objective estimation of the metrological reliability index of specific measuring instruments.

The necessity of development of estimation methods of sources of  ionizing  radiation, determination of  their place  in  the control of technological parameters is emphasized. This allows for enhancing the level of metrological support in nuclear area and medicine.  In  order  to  ensure  the  proper  quality  of  the  diagnostic  information  or  therapeutic  effect,  it  is necessary  to  carry  out regular inspections of technical condition of sources of ionizing radiation, conducting their tests, and to check for leaks.

[1] M. Mykyichuk, “Means of verification of secondary devices  of  contact  thermometry  based  on  active  resistance simulators”,  PhD  Thesis,  Ukraine,  National  University  Lviv Polytechnic, 1998.

[2]   P. Novitsky,  I.  Zograf, V.  Labunets, Dynamics  of measuring  instruments’  errors.  Leningrad,  RF: Energoatomizdat, 1990.

[3]  A. Friedman, “The theory of metrological reliability of measuring instruments and other technical means with their accurate characteristics”,  dis. Dr. Sc., Moscow, RF, 1994.

[4]  R.  Ogirko,  “Dismantling  control  of  metrological characteristics  of  industrial  measuring  instruments”,  Measurement equipment and metrology, iss. 60, pp. 34–38, 2002.

[5]  ISO  9978:1992.  Radiation  protection  –  Sealed radioactive  sources  –  Leakage  test  methods.    [On-line]. Available: