

The article addresses the issue of outliers in metrological measurements, which can significantly distort research results and affect measurement accuracy. Outliers that substantially differ from other data points in a sample seriously threaten the reliability of metrological processes. In previous studies, the Isolation Forest model was applied to detect such outliers, demonstrating its effectiveness under certain conditions.

Recurrent Logarithmic Analog-Digital Converters With a Constant Logarithm Base

In this work, a new conversion method is proposed, which makes it possible to implement recurrent logarithmic analog-to-digital converters (LADCs) with a constant base of the logarithm $(\zeta)$, in which the reference voltages are formed using a reference voltage divider composed of identical $L-$shaped links of resistors $R-R^{\prime \prime}$ and additional resistor $R^{\prime}$, and the values of the resistors are set according to the formulas
$R^{\prime}=\frac{\zeta}{1-\zeta} \cdot R$ and $R^{\prime \prime}=\frac{\zeta}{(1-\zeta)^2} \cdot R$.

Моделювання методик реалізації температурної шкали багатоточковим методом для термометрів випромінення

Розглянутий багатоточковий метод реалізації температурної шкали. На основі комп’ютерного моделювання проведений порівняльний аналіз різних методик її побудови. Обґрунтовано переваги застосування комбінованого методу для реалізації температурної шкали.

In the article the method of multipoint temperature scale. Based on computer modeling of the comparative analysis of different methods conducted. The advantages of the use of the combined method for the realization of the temperature scale.

Моделювання похибок вимірювання температури за випроміненням багатоканальними методами

На основі комп’ютерного моделювання проаналізовано інструментальну та методичну складові похибки вимірювання температури методами багатоканальної термометрії випромінення. Визначено умови, за яких доцільне їх застосування, та загальні недоліки використання цих методів. Запропоновано методику багатооканального вимірювання температури.


The authors investigated the effect of changes in the acoustic signal propagation speed and the accuracy of sensor positioning on the accuracy of sound source localization. The mean absolute error grows with the displacement of the microphones relative to the nominal coordinates (X, Y). The same trend is observed with an increase in the actual acoustic signal velocity deviation from the velocity under normal environmental conditions.

Modeling of the error determination in accepting financial decisions in conditions of uncertainty

The article presents the modeling mechanism of the error determination when making financial decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk.  Researched modeling is based on using the assessing of the diagnosed level of enterprises' economic security with help of mathematical description and calculations of probability transitions matrix and using the research method, the method of direct and reverse interpolation, averaging, statistical and index method, root mean square error method, simulation modeling, probability theory method, matrix method, etc.  It has been studied that the most di

About metric and angular dependencies of spatial straight line notches and their use in engineering and geodetic works

In applied geodesy tasks, it may be necessary to determine spatial angles. When bringing a 3D design of buildings and structures to the field with the help of an electronic total station (ES), it is important to verify the spatial angles between different elements of building structures such as roof overlaps, inclined anchors, and more, using the characteristic points' spatial coordinates. Modern geodetic instruments provide sufficiently high measurement accuracy (up to 1" and 1 mm, respectively).

Causes, types and consequences of false criminalization

The article is devoted to the causes, types and consequences of false criminalization. One of the problems with the criminalization of socially dangerous acts is that various factors can lead to incorrect or so-called erroneous criminalization. Its types are: 1) unjustified criminalization; 2) excessive criminalization; 3) incomplete criminalization; 4) incorrect criminalization. Unjustified (unjustified) criminalization is the recognition of an act as a criminal offense, which is not characterized by sufficient for criminalization nature and degree of harm (danger).


Sensors with a frequency output signal are marked as particularly high accuracy, it is easy to switch, and signals may be transmitted over long distances. The main element of such sensors is an electromechanical oscillator connected to the feedback of the autogenerator. String metal oscillators do not provide the required measurement accuracy due to unsatisfactory elasticity, hysteresis, relaxation, and drift of characterisrics. The creation of oscillators made of quartz and silicon due to the perfection of these materials, is difficult.


The current state of development of the metrological provision of measuring equipment for the competitiveness of  products,  safety  at  work  (radiation  safety),  obtaining  objective  diagnostic  information  in  medical  practice  is  analyzed. Metrological  support  is  one  of  the  main  steps  in  the  production  process  that  influences  the  measurement  results  and  their qualitative evaluation.