Oligomeric peroxide adsorption of sebacic acid on aerosil and magnesium oxide was studied. Adsorption process parameters were found. It is shown that the adsorption takes place through the hydrogen bonds formation between OH– groups of adsorbents surface and peroxide groups. The adsorption process suggests the behavior of peroxide compounds on the water-air phase’s interface. Monomolecular film formations on water surface for oligomeric peroxides were studied. It was found that calculated values of the area extrapolated to zero pressure (S0) depend on the solvent which was used to apply the peroxide in the phases interface. Oligomeric peroxide monolayers considered as condensation-type monolayers. Thermal decomposition of oligomeric peroxide and its di- and monoperoxide analogues was studied. It was shown that total constants of thermal degradation rate k for oligomeric peroxide are higher than those for di- and monoperoxide analogues. There is a correlation between S0 calculated values and the constants of thermal degradation rate for oligoperoxide. The less is S0 value the higher is k value. The conformational state of the macromolecule was preserved during transferring the oligomeric peroxide solution in an organic solvent to the phases interface that affects k values.
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