Iron Molybdate Catalyst Stabilized by Calcium Oxide for Methanol to Formaldehyde Conversion


Andrew Kostynyuk and Mykola Nikolenko

Regularities of methanol oxidation by atmospheric oxygen on the catalyst Fe2(MoO4)3/MoO3/CaO = 1 : 0.7 : 0.3 have been studied. It was found that the speed of the process in a model flow reactor obeys the first order equation with the observed rate constant of 1.0 sec1 and the apparent activation energy of 65 kJ/mol. It was established that the selectivity of formaldehyde in the process with once-through conversion over 45 % sharply decreases. The mechanism of alcohols heterogeneous catalytic oxidation, including the stages of organic compounds interaction both with metal cations and oxygen atoms of the catalyst surface was suggested

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