Preparation of the manuscripts
Prepare your manuscripts according to the guidelines in the template. Follow this order when typing the manuscript: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (including figures and tables), Acknowledgements (optional), References, Appendix (optional).
The abstract should be informative. The main results and content of the paper should be described in the abstract concisely.
The structure of the paper should consist of the following parts:
- definition of the problem to be solved;
- analysis of the recent publications and research works on the problem;
- formulation of the goal of the paper;
- presentation and discussion of the research results;
- conclusions.
There should be at least 8 sources in the list of references. Do not include only your publications! The percentage of self-citations should be not more than 20%. Include at least one reference from indexed journals or conferences.
The following information should be given at the end of the paper in Ukrainian: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords. For authors from abroad this information will be translated in Ukrainian by the Executive Secretary of the journal “Energy Engineering and Control Systems”.
The template should be used for preparing the paper.
The decision of the editor about the paper publication is based on such characteristics of the paper as the importance of results, originality, quality of presentation and conformity to the journal’s profile.
Submission of the papers
After preparation of a paper according to the guidelines in the template, the paper should be sent to the email address by the corresponding author. Authors are asked to enclose with the submitted paper a cover letter with a statement that it was not either published or submitted for publication in any other journals.
During submission of the paper the authors are asked to provide the information about two reviewers who are experts according to the topic of the paper. This information should include name, title, scientific degree, position, name of organization and department, email address. The paper shall be sent to the reviewers for the review. After receiving the positive reviews from the reviewers the paper will be accepted for publishing.
Publication charge
The publication in the journal is free of charge. One printed copy of the journal is sent to the corresponding author of a published paper for free.