Purpose. The purpose of research is to study the geological and economic efficiency of high-precision gravity control method changes in the structure of the geological section in the exploitation brimstone method of underground melting. Methodology. The experience of many years (1990-2005 gg.) practice of geophysical monitoring of development of sulfur deposits embedded in the methodology of computer interpretation of gravity data, geological actual task which is to identify areas of high content of native sulfur in the ore-bearing formation or contouring local intensity changes in the context of post-mining deposits of sulfur. Methods of interpreting space-time gravity anomalies suggests the use of appropriate computer technology fast and sufficiently accurate solutions of direct and inverse problems of 2D and 3D gravity of large dimension. Geological efficiency of gravitational methods and techniques of interpretation of gravity materials justified on test cases that are as close to the real conditions of solving specific geological tasks. The methodology of this simulation is aimed at both test interpretation computer technology and the research of features interpretive process for monitoring the dynamics of changes in the structure of the upper part of the geological section. Results. Maps of local anomalies of gravity field, are used to assess the nature of the production of sulfur. Three-dimensional model of redistribution in the bulk density of the ore formation after underground sulfur smelting operational areas Yazov’s sulfur deposits Precarpathian’s Basin. The modelling results are used to delineate the technological types of ores and construction of predictive maps of the distribution of stocks according to their extraction. Originality. The technique of computer interpretation of spatial and temporal gravity anomalies of low intensity and size, which are caused by local changes in at the surface structure of the density of geological environments of small volumes. Practical significance. Computer simulation and geophysical monitoring results confirm the high geological and economic efficiency of a detailed precision gravimetric control post of technological changes in the density structure of the section of native sulfur deposits after its extraction by underground smelting. And also show the feasibility of using high-precision gravity to control the man-made, technological and post natural processes that occur in at the surface of the geological section.
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