Purpose. The aim of the work is to present and to analyze the results of physical modeling and field studies of processes of formation, evolution and modern geodynamic and seismotectonic activity of subvertical shear zones (SVShZ), in particular of faulting kinematics. Methods. Physical modeling was conducted on the special modeling machine for break dip angle 75, 60 and 45. As a plastic-viscous modeling materials for this were used a special paste which are based on clay. Field researches included geoacoustic emission, PIEMPZ, extenzometric, tiltmetric and seismological methods. Results. In the parth 1 (physical modelling) the regularities of evolution of processes of subvertical ruptures formations in sedimentary strata in time and on the depth in modeling experiments was reproduced, the evolution of different systems of crack depending from the speed of displacement and break dip angle was analyzes. Evolution of subsurface fractured zones (as on lateral as in depth) over zones of the SVSh was traced. In the parth 2 (field studies) examples of this type zones in the real geological structures, particularly in the area of Beregovo hill-land in Transcarpathians and some results of geophysical monitoring of its modern geodynamic regime by extenzometric and parametric geoacoustic methods and also by methods of natural geoacoustic emission and impulse geoelectromagnetic emission (method PIEMPZ (NIEMFE)) fields. By seismological data the features of seismotectonic process in one of the typical seismogenic zones of faulting kinematics in the Beregovo hill-land area in Ukrainian Transcarpathians were traced. Originality. By the data of the physical modeling the typical time-spatial regularities of evolution of processes of subvertical ruptures formations and their dependence from the break dip angle and speed of displacement of basis unit were determined. By the data of long-term field geoacoustic, extenzometric and tiltmetric researchec on observation points network in the area of Beregovo hill-land in Ukrainian Transcarpathians high geodynamic activity of such subvertical fractured zones and the relationship of deformation processes in them with the geodynamics of the crust of Transcarpathians and all the Earth was found. By complex of seismological, geological and geodetic data on example of typical earthquakes of Beregovo seismogenic zone in the Ukrainian Transcarpathians (zone at the intersection of Perypannonian (west – northwest direction) and Beregovo meridional fault – zone of horst-graben (“keyboard”) tectonics distribution) the features of faulting zones seismotectonics was traced. Practical significance. The researches results make it possible, on the one hand, more reliably predict (and therefore monitor) zone of near-surface effects display from deep SVShZ, and on the other hand, on the results of surface studies to predict the presence, location and characteristics of deep SVShZ and the nature and characteristics of geodynamic and seismotectonic processes in these zones. It is important for seismology and geodynamic monitoring, for searching for oil and gas and other minerals, for engineering geology and geophysics, for geoecology and others.
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