Application of X-metering for specification of facial boundaberies of the center zone of the Dniepr-Donetsk depression

: pp. 180 - 182
Received: August 01, 2013
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
SE NJSC "Nadra Ukrainy" "Chernigivnaftogazgeologiya"

Aim. Sediments of Solohiv suite (upper Visean) were investigated to show capebilities of -metering in adjustment of facial boundaries. This sediments correlates with productive horizons (PH) B-23, B-22, B-21 and productive layers from micro-fauna (MF) horizon XIIa in Dnipro-Donetsk Depression. Investigated Chervonozavodske and Lucenkivske deposits have commons features in structure and lithographic of PH. The main resources of gas and condensate are connected with terrigenic layer XIIa MF in the lower part of upper Visean sub layer, where concentration of hydrocarbons is correlated with structure-lithological traps. That is why investigations of facial and lithological peculiarities are very actual. Methodic. Measuring of rocks magnetic susceptibility was done on the base of detail Visean layer core samples from wells on the research areas. Results. It was stated, that magnetic susceptibility of sedimentary rocks from investigated range (B-21 and B-22) in general has not high values (0 - 30) 10-5 SI units. Differentiation by lithological layers (not be rock types) stated, that sedimentations in PH B-22 have higher values of magnetic susceptibility, then in B-21. Between B-22 and B-21 can be observed one of the large stratigraphic break in XIIa MF horizon. Scientific novelty. Differentiation of sediments by magnetic susceptibility and peculiarities of its spatial distribution depends from variations of lithological-formational composition of layers, paleotectonic and paleofacial conditions of formation.  Practical significance. Magnetic susceptibility data reflect variations of facial conditions and can be applied for detalization of facial boundaries and litho-facial mapping as single horizons, so suites and massive layers. -metering method in complex with bio- and lithostratigrafic methods can be used during investigations of lithological, facial peculiarities on geological crossing and for purposes of rythmo-stratigrafy.