Migration of small earthquake sources in Garm region and irregularity of Earth's rotation

: pp. 84 - 86
Received: July 02, 2013
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Spatiotemporal variations in location of earthquake sources at depths H≥14 km in the Garm region are analyzed. Purpose. The purpose of researches – to search of  relation between the velocity of the Earth’s rotation, variations in the fluid field and activity of the deepened seismicity. Methodology. We used analysis procedure non-stationary time series: the spectral-temporal, wavelet analysis, method based on the calculation of the structural function  and others. Results. The relative amount of the deepened earthquakes in the weakened zones tended to be 2–3 times higher than in the blocks over the period 1960–1990. Before the majority of the strong earthquakes of the region, deep seismicity is activated within the weakened zones simultaneously or in turn. Activity maxima are observed approximately every ten years. Spectral analysis revealed shorter activation periods for the deep seismicity: semiannual, near annual, 5-year, and longer 17-year rhythms, which are typical of variations in the velocity of the Earth’s rotation. The results of the analysis of temporal variations in the shape of the coda-wave earthquake envelopes indicate the possible presence of such rhythms in variations in the attenuation field of the S-waves. Originality.The temporal variations in the distribution of the earthquake source with the depth allow suggestion on the relation between the velocity of the Earth’s rotation and activity of the deepened seismicity. The decrease and increase in the velocity of the Earth’s rotation is accompanied by an increase and decrease in the relative number of earthquakes with hypocenter depths of 14 km (seismicity emerges and submerges), respectively. The coincident activation rhythms of the deepened seismicity, variations  of S-waves attenuatuin, and the velocity of the Earth’s rotation are also indicative of the relation of these processes. The process of origination of earthquakes, in our opinion, may be considered as an adaptation of geological objects to the variations in a common external factor, viz., the velocity of the Earth’s rotation (or another one indicated by this parameter). Practical significance. The results can be used in solving the problems of earthquake prediction.

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