The association of physical properties of deep reservoirs with the geomagnetic field and fault-block tectonics in the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi oil-and-gas region
Received: September 15, 2018
Revised: October 24, 2018
Accepted: December 28, 2018
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
«DТEК Naftogaz»

Purpose of the study. To study physical properties of the reservoir rocks of Semyrenkivske field in the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi oil and gas region (OGR) of the Dnipro-Donets Aulacogene with the aim of evaluating their filtration-capacitive properties as well as to justify the relationship of oil and gas fields with sources of local magnetic anomalies that occur during the passage of hydrocarbons. The research methodology consists in the experimental study of rock samples (cylinders), namely, measuring the magnetic susceptibility with the MFK1-B kappabridge and determining the density and open porosity according to standard methods, analyzing, and comparing the obtained data with the geological-tectonic maps of the study area. Results. The obtained values ​​of magnetic susceptibility, density, and open porosity of reservoir rock samples were obtained from 11 wells in the Semyrenkivske field, which are represented by sandstones, aleuritic sandstones, aleurolites, and limestones. The distribution of these parameters with depth was investigated, and their correlation dependences were calculated. In all wells, the inverse correlation between open porosity and density for all types of rocks is fixed. No clear patterns regarding the relationship of magnetic susceptibility and density have been identified. The integrated approach used to conduct experimental studies together with theoretical data, and analysis of the geomagnetic field and fault-block tectonics made it possible to comprehensively analyze and clarify the current state of oil and gas potential in the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi OGR, to formulate criteria for the deep oil and gas content of the Earth's crust of the studied region, and to identify the vertical migration routes of hydrocarbons. Scientific novelty. Petrophysical studies of rocks in combination with the analysis of the magnetic field and fault tectonics of the territory were carried out for the first time for the Semyrenkivske field, namely, magnetic and filtration-capacitive characteristics of reservoir rock samples were obtained, which make it possible to more thoroughly and comprehensively study the hydrocarbon potential of this area. Practical value. The obtained results supplement the information on the petrophysical properties of the rocks of the region under study. For the Semyrenkivske field, on the basis of the presence of a local magnetic anomaly and a node of the intersection of the Kryvorizko-Krupetskyi and sublatitudinal faults, it is possible to forecast the presence of an “echeloned” gas condensate deposit, including the bottom of the sedimentary cover and the crystalline basement.

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