3D модель

Investigation of Tool Temperature During the Cutting of Internal Gears Using the Power Skiving Method

Problem statement and the research purpose. One of the main factors determining the intensity of tool wear is the temperature that arises during the cutting process. Thus, the objective is to investigate the patterns and obtain dependencies of heat generation and heat transfer between the elements of the cutting process that characterize the temperature of the tool’s teeth and blades.

Simulation of the power skiving process for cutting an internal gear with modelling of undeformed chips

Aim. The aim of this paper is to create a 3D model of the undeformed chips produced during the cutting of an internal gear ring. By modelling the power skiving process, it is necessary to investigate the influence of various geometric and technological parameters on the thickness and cut area of the chips produced. Method. By simulating the gear turning process, it is possible to reproduce the cutting of the gear teeth and accurately determine the geometric parameters and the shape of the undeformed chip at each moment.

Automated generation of a digital model of an object's micro surface from a SEM-stereo pair by area-based image matching

Purpose. The goal of this work was the development and research of a method of automatically constructing a digital model of the micro surface of an object from SEM stereo pair of digital images taking into account the specifics of the survey SEM and evaluating the accuracy of digital modeling. Methods. The developed method consists, firstly, in generating a dense set of input points in the left SEM image of a stereo pair in regions with local features and using an iterative process in accordance with the levels of the image pyramid.

Autochton of the north-western Сarpathians – geological structure and hydrocarbon potential based on the results of integral interpretation of geological and geophysical data

Purpose. The aim of the presented research was to analyze the problem of increasing the hydrocarbons resource base in Carpathian region by means of poorly explored deeply buried sediments of flysch formation in Folded Carpatians and Precarpatian foredeep. Relevance of conducted study concerning deep autochthonous sediments complex is caused by discovering Lopushna oil field in the underthrust of Pokuttya-Bukovyna Carpathians. Methodology. The research was performed by creating a spatial integral seismic-gravity model of northwestern part of Carpathian oil-and-gas bearing province.

Experimental cartographic modeling of dynamics of landslides areas according to geodesic observations

Aim. The aim of the paper is the development of methodological positions and practical recommendations concerning experimental and cartographic modeling of dynamics of active landslide area on the basis of serial geodesic measuring on it. This approach will allow examine more in detail the nature and status of landslides in the geospatial environment. Methodology.