адміністративна послуга

Administrative services in the functioning structure of local government bodies: some aspects of legal regulation

Abstract. The development of technical capabilities and digitalization of state processes have brought the field of administrative services by local self-government bodies to a new qualitative level of ensuring the implementation of the principles of openness and transparency in the public service.

Legislative regulation of the implementation and of the use of the digital technologies in the provision of administrative services

The article is devoted to the interpretation of the regulation and the introduction of digital
technologies in the field of administrative services. The article analyzes the laws and by-laws that
regulate the use of digital technologies in the field of administrative services. The problematic aspects of
the legislative system development are suggested. The legal regulation of the providing of electronic
services and the role of Administrative Service Centers in this process are investigated. The quality of

Problemic aspects of the legal regulation of the administrative services centers activities

The article is devoted to the interpretation of the concepts and legal status of “common”,
“outgoing” and “mobile” Administrative Service Centers, as well as the electronic providing of
administrative services.
The decentralization of power is being actively pursued, which is to delegate most of the
powers to local governments. The quality of providing administrative services is one of the
most important factors that will affect the effectiveness of change and build public confidence

Theoretical aspects of providing priority services in the context of the development of the electronic services system in Ukraine

Analysis of scientific approaches to one of the key concepts of modern administrative
law – administrative services, found the concept of value adjacent. Isolate features of
administrative services in the system of administrative and legal functions of the authorities in
the context of the development of electronic services in Ukraine with a view to adapting
national legislation to EU requirements. The characteristic concept and service priority given
to the author's definition.

Improvement of legal regulation providing administrative services

The article addresses the problem of improving the legal regulation of administrative services in Ukraine in the context of adapting national legislation to the European Union. Analyzes the concept of “administrative services”, the ratio of administrative and public services, the principles of administrative services, standardization in this area, the administrative and legal regulation of administrative services, directions of improvement of legislation aimed at improving quality.