criminal proceedings

Procedural forces in the process of implementing precautions relating to partial restriction of freedom of person

The article deals with the problem of the nature of procedural coercion in the process of preventive measures related to the partial restriction of a person's freedom during criminal proceedings. In particular, an analysis of a relatively new preventive measure, which found anchoring in the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine house arrest, which is a certain legislative filling in of the gap that arose between preventive measures, unrelated to the restriction of freedom of person, is provided.

Protection of victim’s rights at the pre-trial investigation stage

The features of the protection of the victim’s rights during the pre-trial investigation are
considered. The victim is a party to the criminal proceedings, which is central. Ukraine is
proclaimed a democratic, rule of law state and directs its activities on the basis of
constitutional principles, in particular, a person is recognized as of the highest social value, and
criminal proceedings should ensure and protect this basic concept and orientation of the state’s
activity in the field of “human rights protection”. The legal mechanism of protection of the

Crime control as one of the views of invisible (investigative) search

The consolidation in the Criminal Procedure Code of 2012 of the institute of unspoken
investigative (investigative) actions took the unspoken means of obtaining information to a new
legislative level. However, it should be noted that such an innovation has generated a great deal
of debate among scientists and practitioners on understanding the nature of unspoken
investigative (search) actions and how they relate to operational and search activities. Some of
them consider it to be a progressive step of the legislator aimed at improving the means of

The problem of procedural leadership for previous investigations as the institute of prosecutor’s activities

The article deals with the problem of determining the essence of the problem of the
procedural management of pre-trial investigation as an institute of prosecuting, as well as
establishing the correlation between the charges in criminal proceedings and the procedural
guidance at the stage of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings. On the basis of the
research of the scientific positions of individual scientists and the analysis of the current
legislation of Ukraine, it is concluded that the procedural management of the prosecutor by the

Problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings

In the article on the basis of analysis of normative legal acts considered the problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings. The necessity of making appropriate amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Forensic Expertise” is determined with the aim of bringing its norms in line with the CPC norms regarding the procedure for appointing forensic examinations in criminal proceedings.

Evidence of psychophysiological inspectionsin criminal proceedings: foreign experience and native reality

The article is devoted to the problem of the use of polygraph psychophysiological
examinations in criminal proceedings. On the basis of the analysis of foreign experience of
conducting polygraph psycho-physiological examinations, the conclusion was drawn about the
importance of the experience of a number of states to solve the problem of the probative value
of psycho-physiological checks in criminal proceedings, as well as to improve the current
criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine.

Foreign experience in the organization of forensic expertise in the process of prosecution

The article is devoted to the problem of organization of forensic expert activity in the
process of criminal prosecution and, in general, the problem of improving the whole procedure
for obtaining evidence in the course of criminal proceedings. On the basis of the analysis of
domestic and foreign scientific literature, some issues of the organization of forensic expert
activity in some European states, as well as issues of legal (procedural) status of a judicial
expert are investigated. The conclusion is drawn about the importance of foreign experience in

Features of expert investigation in criminal proceedings

In the article on the basis of the analysis of normative legal acts the peculiarities of
conducting expert research in criminal proceedings are considered. Taking into account the
commonality of the process under expert investigation, which is conducted in a criminal
proceeding on the initiative of the body of pre-trial investigation, it is necessary to understand
the legal expertise.

Satisfaction of criminal transmission and the problem of its legislative security

The article is devoted to the problem of determining the essence of criminal prosecution
as an institution of criminal procedural law. , as well as establishing the ratio of prosecution in
criminal proceedings and prosecution. On the basis of the research of the scientific positions of
certain scholars-processualists on the essence of criminal prosecution as a criminal procedural
category, it was concluded that criminal prosecution is the leading independent function of

Civil responsible in criminal proceedings

The article deals with issues related to elucidation of some aspects of the legal status of a
civil defendant as a participant (subject) of criminal proceedings. The participation of persons
in criminal proceedings requires a clear knowledge of the rights and obligations of each
participant in these relations, since within the framework of this proceeding activity is carried
out which may result in bringing the person to criminal liability that will result in a certain