This scientific article examines the process of preparation and accession of the state to the European Union (EU) with an emphasis on the work of higher authorities. The authors analyze the key aspects and stages that include the transition to European norms and standards, as well as the reforms necessary to comply with EU standards. The article examines the role of parliament, government, and other authorities in the implementation of European policies and legislation, and evaluates their effectiveness in this process. The study is based on the analysis of practical steps and strategies that have been used by various countries during their path to EU accession. The main conclusions of the article are aimed at revealing the key factors of successful entry and work of higher authorities in this context, including political will, reform measures and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress.
Among the highest state authorities that that play an important role in the process of Ukraine's accession to the European Union are are: 1) the Parliament of Ukraine, which provides legislative regulation of the process of European integration process. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which has adopted a number of laws, aimed at harmonizing the current legislation with the EU requirements, in particular, in the human rights, corruption and economic reforms; 2) the President of Ukraine, who acts as the head of the delegation Ukraine's President, who acts as the head of Ukraine's delegation in negotiations with the EU. His active support is important to facilitate the process of European integration. The President has ordered a number of reforms and initiated important international agreements, such as Association Agreement with the EU; 3) the Government of Ukraine, whose key task is to implement reforms and European standards. Among the main priorities are justice, anti-corruption policy, increasing economic stability and social and social protection of the population.
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