
Математична модель зображень сцени, що містить літаки

Розглянуто математичну модель зображень літаків на довільному фоні. Запропонована модель розглядає зображення як множину текстур. Враховуються як негативні природні впливи на зображення, так і особливості зображень літаків на сцені за різних умов. Модель придатна для розроблення віконних методів опрацювання згаданих зображень.

A model for the selection of security system alarms

It was found that search engines provide a wide selection of detectors with technical characteristics. A significant range of characteristics ensures the use of detectors for solving problems in security systems. A search and sorting mode for security system alarms has been developed. It is based on the necessary and sufficient characteristics of detectors, which ensure their selection depending on the tasks set for security systems. Criteria for their selection are formed on the basis of user requirements and technical characteristics of detectors.

Information modeling of the processes of sensory perception of information and user identification

The article proposes a systematic approach to the analysis of psychological perception of information at the level of human intuitive perception. The most successful, according to the authors, methods and approaches of building information models of sensory perception of information are given. Such a systematic approach “from simple to complex and from it to generalization” made it possible to determine the features of each of the considered methods, to determine their advantages and disadvantages, and to indicate the directions of appropriate use.

Peculiarities of administrative decision-making in local government bodies

Formulation of the problem. In modern conditions of decentralization in Ukraine, local authorities receive new rights, powers and responsibilities corresponding the role and functions they are called to perform before the state and the people. Accordingly, the range of management actions they must implement is expanded and updated, which obliges local self-government  bodies  to  pay  special  attention  to  the  adoption  of  high-quality  and effective decisions within their competence.

Evaluation of transport system configuration by efficiency indicators

The study is devoted to the process of evaluating the efficiency of the transport system in terms of urban mobility. The approach is based on the use of a system of performance indicators using neurocomputer technologies. Generalized models for obtaining a vector of performance indicators and an integral performance indicator in the form of computer neural networks are proposed. It is shown that to record the fact that the indicator values fall to the threshold and below, it is enough to use a neural network built on perceptron neurons.

Modelling the Modes of System of Asynchronous Centrifugal Units of Multi-Unit Pumping Station with Serial Connection of Pumps

Based on the current regulations on pipeline transport, the need for a systematic approach to the study of processes occurring in the technological complexes of pumping stations of the main pipelines and their power supply systems is shown.

Development of Exports of Knowledge-intensive Services as a Catalyst for Innovation

At the present stage, the knowledge-intensive services sector is one of the key drivers of the global knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-intensive services cover a wide range of market, finan- cial, high-tech, social and other services based on the knowledge and experience of highly qualified specialists. This type of services acts as a catalyst for innovation activities of organizations based on an organic combination of production processes, research and development activities and consumer needs.

Typology of Factors of Formation of Models of Credit and Investment Policy in the National Economy

The article considers the approaches to defining the concept of «credit and investment policy» and the factors influencing the formation of models of credit and investment policy in the national economy. The authors typologize all factors of influence in five groups: institutional, economic, socio- psychological, infrastructural and technological. The authors propose to include the following factors to the technological group: the share of non-cash transactions, the number of broadband Internet users and the level of use of information and communication technologies.

Determination of internal motivation for stimulating innovation activity of enterprises employees

The meaning of motivation for the development of innovation activity of enterprise is outlined. The essence of the category of internal motivation, as one of the elements of motivational model at the enterprises is researched. In order to improve the administrative processes of the enterprise in the field of innovation activity, the approaches to determine the level of internal motivation of employees of the enterprise are recommended.

Substantiation of the model of innovation activities of the system of public authorities: conceptual bases

Using methodological provision for rational decision-making technology, systems and systems activity approaches, the structure of the innovative activity aimed at updating the effectiveness of the system of public authorities is grounded. Besides, this type of activity is presented as an open system combining the set of internal and external components: the first ones are formed by interacted innovation activities of system-wide, functional and instrumental levels; the second ones include resources, opportunities and favorable preconditions as well as basic types and means of maintenance.