
Імітаційна модель моніторингу навколишнього середовища безпровідною сенсорною мережею.

The article presents a simulation model and described appropriate software, to simulate the environment in an emergency situation (accidents on chemically hazardous objects) or free observation (no pre-defined procedures). Collection and processing of information made using a wireless sensor network.

Classification of methods for the big data analytics

This article describes the features of classification methods and technologies, analytics Big data. Described group of methods and technologies, analytics Big data that are graded according to the functional relationships and formal model of information technology. The problem of the definition of ontology concepts analytics Big data.

The problem of optimality in decision theory and practice

The system aspects of optimality problem within the framework of the structure of decision-making process, connecting it with DM models and tasks, theoretical and practical aspects of optimal solution peculiarity were analyzed. The analysis entropic specification and their impact on the optimal level of practical decisions was made. The DM methods specifications in context of optimal decisions-making were compared, the consumption of partitioning and threshold method, as one of the most flexible for decision-making in different conditions were justified.

Conceptualisation of notions “model” and “modelling” in scientific studies

Some particular aspects of modeling method in scientific research have been outlined in the article. Philosophic maxims on which the model concept is based were suggested. The generalized model definition, its characteristics and typology were represented in the article

Development of Model, Based on Petri Nets, for the Planning Stage of Robotic Systems Design System

This article is devoted to development of model, based on Petri nets, which corresponds planning stage of RTS automatic design. The model was developed according to the algorithm of the planning stage, which is the basic one in five-level representation of the robotization project estimation process, and enables to explore the dynamics of the process and the reliability of the corresponding component of the RTS design system, also providing the possibility of additional RTS correction in a broader functional and constructive spectrum.

Security of Cyber-Physical Systems from Concept to Complex Information Security System

A conception of multilevel complex security system (CSS) of cyber-physical systems (CPS) was developed; dimensional model of information-technology state (ITS) was proposed; informational model of CSS cyber-physical system “iPhone – Wi-Fi, Bluetooth – sensors” was created; software of symmetric block data encryption of “Kalyna” algorithm was realized.

Using inverse filtering to increase the resolution IR images

The aim of the work is to increase the resolution of IR images obtained as a result of monitoring thermal objects. Methodology. It is known, an optical system сan not date a CCD point picture thermal object. Instead picture diffraction spots, have significant deterioration in quality thermal image which has a reduced effect with defraction. This is an urgent system task useful in the formative and processing signal.

The Model of Information Protection Management in Telecommunication Systems

It is proposed and studied the model of conflict interaction of objects and subjects of cyberspace based on the principles of construction discretionary access control models in information and telecommunication systems. The model can provide information security system in the form of Euclidean product of sets, which components are elements of information security. Cyberspace is defined as the Euclidean metric.

Основи теорії тріщиностійкості залізобетонних елементів та конструкцій

In an article the calculation model of normal cracks formation is formed in the general theory of concrete and reinforced concrete elements and structures deformation. The method of determining of their step and the disclosure width depending on the stress-strain state is offered.