
Модель системи протидії вторгненням в інформаційних системах

The article proposes a model of intrusion detection systems (IDS), which reflects the main
processes that take place in the system in order to optimize the processes of anti-intrusion. Such
processes in general can be represented as processes of allocation and use of resources that are
allocated for the protection of information. The use of modeling techniques to ensure the
appropriate level of information security has led to the development of many formal security


The article investigates and analyzes the validation and verification of measurement methods in the clinical diagnostic laboratory. The content and features of validation and verification are revealed. Measurement methods are considered in detail. Each direction of validation and verification of measurement methods is analyzed. The difference between validation and verification is substantiated. Measuring systems are increasingly used in the laboratories of the clinical sector. This means that the responsibility for validation lies mainly with the manufacturer.

Dynamic Modes of Synchronous Electric Drive with Centrifugal Hydraulic Load of Pump Station

The contemporary state of the modelling of the pump station’s electric drive in a complex with its centrifugal hydraulic load has been analysed. It was found that most studies focus either on the modelling and development of automatic control systems for the asynchronous electric drive of pumps or on the optimization of performance indicators of the station as a whole. Besides, usually only one of the subsystems of a pumping station (or an electrically-operated pump unit) is modelled with a good degree of detail: either electromagnetic or hydraulic.

Forecasting Economic Result of Manipulation Using Game Theory Modeling

Manipulations are taking place widely on various capital, commodity, derivative and other markets. They are reported regularly and sometimes causing significant losses. But it doesn’t mean that the efforts intended to limit this sort of activity are insignificant. Surveillance budgets, as well as applied fines, are impressing. The annual volume of manipulative attempts and the efforts, intended to deter these attempts, are growing exponentially year after year.

A Model of Parallel Sorting Neural Network of Discrete-time

A model of parallel sorting neural network of discrete-time is presented. The model is described by a system of differential equations and by step functions. The network has high speed, any finite resolution of input data and it can process unknown input data of finite values located in arbitrary finite range. The network is characterized by moderate computational complexity and complexity of hardware implementation. The results of computer simulation illustrating the efficiency of the network are provided.

Modeling a signal generated by microparticles moving in the aerodynamic flow

The article presents a model of a signal generated by microparticles moving in an aerodynamic flow.  This model is based on the Lorentz–Mie scattering theory.  It is shown that the visibility and the signal/noise ratio of the Doppler signal are determined by the degree of amplitude and polarization matching of the scattered waves.  These parameters also depend on the degree of phase matching of "elementary" Doppler signals.  Using this signal model, it is possible to calculate the shape of the aperture of the receiving optics for a specific type of laser Doppler anemometer.  The use of such

Mathematical Description of the Arc Steel-melting Furnace Electrodes Positioning Control System Dynamics Using State-space Model

The expediency of the mathematical description of the electric arc furnace electrodes positioning control system dynamics using state-space model is substantiated. A block diagram of the electrodes positioning control system was developed and mathematical model in state-space variables was obtained.


The  structural  and  functional  diagrams  of  the  thermoanemometric  type  sensor  for measuring  the mono-  and biphasic  (liquid  +  gas) medium  by  the  pulsating  nature  of  the  flow  are  presented.  The  temperature  distribution  in  the  sensor environment is considered and the sensing elements are not in contact with the inner surface of the sensor body.

On the Approaches to Cyber-physical Systems Simulation

A comparative analysis of existing approaches to Cyber-Physical Systems simulation has been conducted. The intrinsic peculiarities of Cyber-Physical Systems have been reasoned and generalized. Thelimitations of available simulation tools have been pointed out. The approach to Cyber-Physical Systems design solutions checking on the basis of timed automata, UPPAAL integrated tool environment and Temporal Logic of Actions usage has been proposed.


The article presents the approach to the formation of effective management teams, taking into account the complex review of tasks that appear in front of the organization. The development of the modern economy marked the structural changes in which knowledge became the main driving force, and therefore the requirements for organizing managerial labour increased significantly. The path of scientific search for methods of building rational organizational structures lies in the plan of studying the human factor in the field of managerial decision making.