навчальний процес

Gamification in educational process: realization

The paper presents an architecture of the education system with gamification. The system for assessing practical knowledge and skills through play is designed to optimize the educational process and the manifestation of students' creative thinking. The main purpose of this system is to simplify and automate the learning process in educational institutions

Theoretical & legal foundations of the educational process organization in the conditions of a comprehensive complex

Problem setting. In the system of government goals, education has always been and still is one of the priorities of development of any civilized society. Educational services and their quality are an indicator and at the same time a marker of the level of competitiveness of the national economy. After all, the proper level of these services in the market influences the level of population employment and the quality of labor force, able to flexibly respond to social challenges, which directly affects the general indicators of socio-economic development of the state.

Modern state of electric engineering education and science at Lviv Polytechnic National University

The main trends and tasks entrusted to the staff of the Department of Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering at the current stage of the development of science and education in Ukraine within the Strategic Plan of Development of the Institute of Energy and Control systems of Lviv Polytechnic National University are considered.

Using Autodesk software in University learning process

An integral part of mechanical engineer workplace is a personal computer with specialized software, including CAD, which allows automating the work of engineering and technological preparation of production. One of the largest suppliers of CAD for mechanical engineering is a multinational company Autodesk. Therefore, for the students – future mechanical engineers – the ability to work with this company’s software is the key to their demand in the labor market.

Implementation of electronic learning in Dragomanov NPU

The effectiveness of using modern software and Internet technologies during the usual learning in higher education was considered in that topic. Basic teaching issues, which arising in the focused five general stages of the learning process, were determined. Solutions for these issues were found using of ICT and software (MS PowerPoint, VBA, Virtual Dub, Microsoft Mouse Mischief, Camtasia Studio, Moodle, Apple Podcasting, Skype, ooVoo, Open meeting etc.). Assessment of its application as compared with traditional methods of learning was implemented. 

Classification of communication risks while providing educational services

To minimize the effect of unwanted factors and losses in the provision of educational services are important because they directly affect the level of training and their ability to carry out professional activities. Therefore, the investigation, analysis and classification of the losses and the risks involved in the learning process is an urgent task. In General, the risk is the estimated loss as a result of adverse factors that can accompany any production process and its participants, in particular the process of providing educational services.

Legal education reform: foreign experience and ukrainian realities

The article analyzes the foreign experience reforming legal education and defined the prospects of its implementation in Ukraine. It has been found that the use of international experience in the learning process becomes particularly relevant with the development of postmodernism, when the company moves to a new historical synthesis forms with the state. After reviewing certain aspects of legal education of international experience proved that it will contribute to more active implementation in the domestic legal practice these developments.

Designing the Conceptual Model of the Management of Higher Education the Basis of Information and Interperating Web Technologies

This paper presents the design of a conceptual model to run higher educational institutions based on Web-technologies. The advantage of this proposed system model is the integration of regulations governing the educational process in schools (curriculum specialty, work program discipline, teacher load) with information on the subject. This creates a holistic view of the user of the learning process and provides a single point of access to all information related to the educational process.

Концептуальні засади та архітектура бази даних «Навчальні плани»

Запропоновано концептуальні засади та проаналізовано особливості архітектури бази даних «Навчальні плани», призначеної для автоматизації планування та управління навчальним процесом у великому багатопрофільному університеті.

This article presents conceptual framework and features of architecture of the database «Curriculum», which is designed to automate planning and management of educational process in large university with many profile.

Концепція навчальної групи та її застосування для планування навчального процесу з використанням інформаційних систем

Запропоновано концепцію навчальної групи як основи для планування навчального процесу. Hаведено формальні означення основних об’єктів та операцій з використанням апарату теорії множин. Ця концепція може бути застосована для вдосконалення процесу планування навчального процесу з використанням інформаційних систем університету. This article presents the learning-group concept as a basis for planning a process of study in universities. Formal definitions of the basic objects and operations using a mathematical tool of set theory are proposed.