
Transformation of Approaches to the Formation of Strategic Opportunities of Enterprises in Conditions of Uncertainty

The process of transformation of approaches to the formation of strategic capabilities of enterprises in conditions of uncertainty of the external environment is studied. The prerequisites for the transformation of approaches are considered.

Instability of the Operating Environment as a Factor of Financial Risks for the Enterprise

The article examines the theoretical aspects of enterprise risk, which is a consequence of the instability of the operating environment. Under financial risk, the authors propose to understand a situation in which the probability of the deterioration of the company's financial condition increases as a result of losses, additional financial costs or losses. The effect of financial risk is damage, loss or overspending of financial resources. It is emphasized that a feature of financial risk, compared to other types of risks, is the measurability of its manifestation and predictability.


The article addresses the issue of outliers in metrological measurements, which can significantly distort research results and affect measurement accuracy. Outliers that substantially differ from other data points in a sample seriously threaten the reliability of metrological processes. In previous studies, the Isolation Forest model was applied to detect such outliers, demonstrating its effectiveness under certain conditions.


The study on the effective radii of ultrasonic transducers for hydrophone calibration at the National State Primary Standard of the Unit of Ultrasonic Pressure in Water (NDETU AUV-02-2018) is presented and the appropriate method is described. The impact of the effective radius on measurement distance and diffraction loss coefficients is evaluated. The uncertainty calculation of the effective radius measurement of ultrasonic transducers is provided, and its influence on the accuracy of hydrophone calibration is assessed.


Interlaboratory comparisons (ILC) are used to evaluate and confirm measurements' accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility. ILCs are conducted for both testing and calibration laboratories (CL). They are comparing the results of measurements or calibrations obtained by different laboratories. The main stages of confirming the competence of laboratories include accreditation as the first step of such confirmation, as well as periodic participation in the ILCs.

Ідентифікація параметрів моделі газотранспортної системи

Запропоновано швидкі алгоритми аналізу даних вимірювання на великих інтервалах часу та розв’язування систем нелінійних контурних рівнянь, які дали мож- ливість розв’язати задачі ідентифікації в умовах невизначеності. Наведено класи- фікацію та характеристику невизначеностей. Запропоновано алгоритми знаходження параметрів моделей та стану об’єктів в умовах невизначеності.

Дослідження невизначеностей у задачах сценарного планування

Проаналізовано головні типи невизначеностей, які з’являються під час розв’язання задач сценарного планування. Запропоновано для подолання невизначе- ностей в задачах сценарного планування визначати інформаційні ситуації та відповідно до інформаційних ситуацій та типів невизначеності системно використовувати методи аналізу та прийняття рішень.

The Management of Venture Structures in Conditions of Uncertainty

The study examines the problem of managing venture structures in conditions of uncertainty, where modern companies face unprecedented change and risk. The relevance of the research is due to global transformations, geopolitical conflicts, technological innovations and unexpected market changes. The article discusses strategies for managing venture structures in conditions of uncertainty, including adaptation to changes, portfolio diversification, and involvement of experts.

The impact of cognitive distortions of economic development

The article studies cognitive distortions (illusions) and the possibilities of using cognitive and emotional factors to make decisions by different market actors in conditions of uncertainty. The theoretical foundations of the irrational behavior of economic actors, based on cognitive or social reasons, are highlighted. The authors note that the functioning of the cognitive sphere of a person is often accompanied by certain errors that are scientifically attributed to cognitive distortions in the rational behavioral paradigm that cause distortions in the perception of reality.

Public administrative activity in the conditions of contemporary uncertainty: information and communication aspect

Problem setting. One of the main problems of modern times is the existing huge information flow and the lack of correct, true, and timely information, which causes uncertainty in the process of making management decisions. Such a situation can lead to the inefficiency of public management activities in the conditions of modern uncertainty, a decrease in the level of public support and a decrease in trust in power structures.