
The Influence of Religious Principles on the Formation of Legal Ideology

Abstract. The article clarifies the influence of the religious factor on the formation of the legal ideology of Ukrainian society in modern realities, which often has an ambiguous and contradictory character in the formation of the newest mechanism for the realization of human and citizen rights and freedoms.

Religious organizations as participants in the discourse of the concept of human rights

The article carries out a theoretical and legal study of religious organizations as participants in the discourse of the concept of human rights, clarification of the peculiarities of their perception of human rights in the historical context. It is proved that the contribution of Western and Eastern religious organizations to the development of the concept of human rights is not homologous.

Participation of religious organizations in the protection of human environmental rights

The article substantiates the role of religious organizations in the protection of human environmental rights, analyzes their activities, and determines the methods of legal regulation of their participation in the environmental policy of the state.

Religion and law: mutual influence and interconnection. Section two.

The article is devoted to the recognition of the impossibility of the disappearance of the phenomenon of religiosity in society and the obvious facts of the influence of religion on the processes of formation and development of law.

An analysis of many historical sources convincingly states that religion itself is in fact a spiritual cradle right.

Religion and law: mutual influence and interconnection. Section one

The article is devoted to the recognition of the impossibility of the disappearance of the phenomenon of religiosity in society and the obvious facts of the influence of religion on the processes of formation and development of law. An analysis of many historical sources convincingly states that religion itself is in fact a spiritual cradle right. It is substantiated that three things are necessary for initiating legal communication: knowledge of law (intellectual element), activity (volitional element), and – without a doubt – consciousness (spiritual element).


Since the local Orthodox Church of Ukraine received the Tomos of Autocephaly, Patriarch Bartholomew has visited all of them, the visit of Pope Francis is expected in the near future, and religious and ecumenical themes have become one of the top in the press. That is why there is a need to analyze its development and coverage in various media.

An outstanding philosophical and legal work (to the 200th anniversary of the publication of hegel's «philosophy of law»)

The article analyzes the role and place in the history of philosophical and legal thought of the published work «Philosophy of Law» by the German thinker G.V.F. Hegel. Written 200 years ago, it is considered to be one of the most profound and relevant works in which Hegel creatively based on his dialectical and philosophical method and methodology analyzes the complex processes in the socio-political, legal, economic, moral, psychological and religious life of civil society and the state.

Evolution and Religious Experience. Review of Johan De Smedt’s and Helen De Cruz’s book "The Challenge of Evolution to Religion" - University Printing House, Cambridge, 2020. – 76 p.

The author of the review analyzes the book that focuses on three challenges of evolution to religion: teleology, origin of a human being, and the evolution of religion itself. De Smedt and Helen De Cruz show how these tensions arise and offer potential responses for religion. Individual religions can meet these challenges, if some of their metaphysical assumptions are adapted or abandoned.

Злочини проти релігійних свобод громадян: зарубіжний досвід

Стаття присвячена аналізу кримінально-правового захисту релігійних свобод
громадян у зарубіжних державах. Аналізуючи зміст кримінально-правових положень
багатьох держав світу, пов’язаних із захистом релігійних свобод громадян, зроблено
висновок, що у більшості з них передбачаються такого роду норми. В той же час, деякі
чинні КК не передбачають кримінальної відповідальності за діяння у згаданій сфері.
Такими, наприклад, є КК Франції, КК Швеції, КК Іспанії. Відсутність згаданих