rule of law

The influence of legal culture on the formation and development of legal society in Ukraine

The article outlines the role of legal culture and its influence on the formation and development of legal society, as building a civil society, democratic, rule of law is not only a domestic political need, but also an external necessity dictated by Ukraine's development in globalization. In fact, for all its diversity, the world is united in the fact that real progress is made only where the social conditions for the discovery of the main resource of civilization - man.

Rule of law in system principle оf the criminal process

The article is devoted to the problem of implementing the rule of law in the system of principles
of criminal proceedings. Based on the analysis of the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and
scientific sources, the issues of the universality of the rule of law in the system of principles of criminal
proceedings through the extension of the action of this principle to the institutions of the criminal
process are investigated. It is concluded that in principle of supremacy of law the requirement of

Concepts of legal culture as a compositionof a democratic legal state

Building a democratic, rule of law is unthinkable without affirmation of justice, legal andmaterial protection of the individual, mutual responsibility of the individual and the state, improvementof legislation and legal culture as a whole. State-legal and national-cultural revival is possible only oncondition of respect for its own history, its philosophical and philosophical humanistic traditions, whichunderlie our mentality, determine the nature of the nation and the essence of legal culture.

Legal certainty principle in the decisions of constitutional courts of Ukraine and other countries

The article is devoted to the analyzis of the court's decision of Constitutional Court ofUkraine and some other constitutional courts decisionswhich refer to legal certainty. As the27result it is defined in which way the content of that principle is revealed in the constitutionaljurisdiction, the link between the legal certainty and the rule of law is clarified. It is stated thatdespite the absence of normative fixing of legal certainty in the Constitution of Ukraine thislegal principle is widely used, its meaning is revealed within the European tradition.

On the prohibitions and restrictions in the administrative law

The article deals with the issues regarding the knowledge and observance of the requirements of prohibitions and restrictions, fixed by the rules of administrative law, that is relevant and interesting for both scientists and practitioners.Administrative prohibitions and restrictions are often identified with the administrative coercive measures,which does not correlate with the purpose and objectives of prohibitions and restrictions.Attention is drawn to the role and significance of legality when implementing administrative prohibitions and restrictions.

A view on state primus in the context of the european integration of Ukraine

The article on the methodology of system analysis considers the institution of state coercion from the standpoint of the principles of the rule of law, the rule of law and the rule of human rights. The decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the context of improving the regulatory and legal regulation of the use of state coercion in Ukraine, the role 5 of the court in the process of using state coercion, and the problem of adaptation of the legal base to the requirements of the European Union are analyzed.

Individual constitutional complaint in Ukraine (the elements of humanistic methodology institute)

The article examines the institution of individual constitutional complaint and offers its application in Ukraine on the basis of experience of other countries where it exists. The analysis of the problems related to the realization of an individual complaint has been carried out. In order to introduce this institution the attention should be paid to the necessity of legislative supplements, changes in the organizational structure as well as in methods of judicial activity of Constitutional Court of Ukraine

Legal a wareness and legal culture as a factor of civil society

The article analyzes the importance of legal awareness and legal culture in the development of civil society. We consider the concept and basic features of civil society characterized by justice and legal culture that influence the improvement of law on the
formation of a legal state and civil society.

Legal culture as a condition for the cultivation of the rule of law in the Ukrainian society

The article is devoted to the development of legal culture, since the scientific level of legal thinking and legal awareness provides the ideal legal personality formation that respects the legal law recognizes his supremacy in whole spheres of life,the iraction ssupporting the rule of law in Ukraine.

Legal ideology as a basis of forming civil society

The article deals with the role of the legal ideology in the formation of civil society. The main purpose of the legal ideology and its influence on the process of formation of civil society is highlighted in the article. The importance of spiritual culture, as a value of legal ideology on the evolutionary path of the civil society is showed.