
Information System for the Educational Center

The goal of the research of the qualification thesis is the development of an intelligent information system of the educational centre using the Python programming language and the Django framework, the SQLite database system, and the chatbot with artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The developed system should facilitate the interaction of different types of users with learning/training centres in order to acquire new necessary skills. As you know, from now on every day more and more educational centres are opening, which provide their services for the study of this or that ability.

About disadvantages of organizational and legal support for preventing students of human-violent crimes against ownership

The article provides a criminological analysis of the organizational and legal support for the prevention of self-aggrandizing crimes against property by students of the institution of higher education.

Application of the method of multidimensional average in formation of individual educational trajectories of students of IT-specialties

Nowadays, the educational environment and methods of its interaction with people are developing very strongly. Every person has the right and choice to get an education. The article describes such a concept as an individual educational trajectory, its features and problems of introduction into the educational environment. An individualized educational trajectory will allow students to make their own choices among the courses offered, thus choosing their own pathway to reach their potential.

Problem of education of collective and personality in A. S. Makarenko’s works, and their role in educational process of MIA of Ukraine (to 90th anniversary of his death)

A. S. Makarenko became a part of history of the world pedagogy as one of the prominent theorists and a practical innovator. Study and publication of his works in 29 languages of the peoples of the USSR prove the fact that A. Makarenko became a world-class educator. His works were published in 24 languages abroad. The formation of A. Makarenko’s philosophical and pedagogical worldview was greatly influenced by the works of prominent foreign teachers Ya. Komensky, I. Pestalozzi, K. Ushinsky, J. J. Russo, J. Locke, I. Disterverg etc. A.

Academichna mobilnyst yak strategichna variatsii ukrainskogo studentstvo

The entry of Ukraine into European and global processes leads to the transformation of the socio-cultural paradigm and creates new models of social life of modern students. The introduction of new methods of student exchanges and the maintenance of individual mobility by the state creates a new approach in promoting economic growth of the country, political stability and social balance of the citizens.

Можливості аналізу та підвищення якості тестових завдань з використанням системи управління навчанням Moodle

Описано, як за допомогою вбудованих засобів для автоматизації обчислень статистичних показників за результатами виконання тестових завдань можливо контролювати та об’єктивно оцінювати якість тестів.

Control and objective estimation of a test’ quality are possibly carry out wih help of build-in means for statistic indeces calculation by executive results of the test tasks.

Автоматизація інформаційного наповнення електронної дисципліни у системі moodle

Розглянуто метод автоматизації наповнення лекторами електронних курсів навчальними матеріалами. 

Considered the methods automated filling by the lectors of electronic courses the educational materials.