
Relationship of the spatial distribution of seismicity with the tectonic structure of the Transcarpathian depression

In the paper discusses the features of long-term seismicity (1961-2010) the territory of Transcarpathian depression and separate seismoactive zones (A, B and C).  The relationship of these zones with the main tectonic elements of depression is set. It is proved that the boundary between zones A and B passes through Oash deep fault.

Geoelectromagnetic monitoring of seismotectonic processes in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone

Temporal variations of induction vectors in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone were investigated. Analyses of long-term series of magnetic-variation observations let’s to made a conclusion about correlations of Wise vectors variations with seismic processes in the crust and, also, about perspectives of a method’s implementation in detection of local earthquakes precursors (with M>3 magnitude) in the geological-geophysics conditions of the Transcarpathians trough.

Application of infrasonic and electromagnetic methods for monitoring of earthquakes of Vranchea region

In the article presented methods of the directed monitoring of acoustic background in an infrasound range by means of the area system of grouping of microbarographs, and also methods of the directed monitoring by the radiotechnical complex of radioroutes of VLF signals. The first results over of remote supervisions of seismoactivity Vranchea region are brought with the use of the considered methods, anomalous effects are distinguished in the looked after fields before earthquakes.

Seismogenic ULF variations of the magnetic field

The earthquakes monitoring in all world reveals that the “seismogenic” fluctuations of magnetic field in wide frequency band often occur before these seismic events. We believe that the most reliable information is concentrated in ultra low frequency (ULF) band (0.001-3 Hz). The earthquake ULF magnetic precursors of lithospheric origin are very weak as a rule and their frequency range is overlapping with signals of ionospheric origin. The new method of the seismomagnetic signals selection at the background of more powerful magnetic variations of other nature is proposed.

Seismic system for monitoring and forecasting local earthquakes in the Dnepropetrovsk region

Summarizes the results of preliminary studies to ascertain the nature of earthquakes and seismic safety in the provision of technologically-risk areas Krivoy Rog iron ore and coal basins Pavlograd. The possibilities of highly sensitive seismic stations UK15, established in Dnepropetrovsk (n. Mirnij), check local and remote Kryvyi Rih and Pavlogradskij earthquakes.

Current state and prospects of development studies seismological in the Carpathian region of Ukraine

Shows the short history of seismological observations in the Carpathian region, the necessity of improving the seismic equipment and automation of processing the data. Is the list of existing seismic stations, their equipment and basic parameters layout. Given a list of problems to be solved by using materials obtained seismological observations. Shows the main directions of modernization of the hardware receive seismic information, communications and software.

Predicting seismic activity basing on complex geophysical monitoring of seismotectonic processes

Using methods of factor, correlation and regression analysis anomalous component investigation of temporal variations of geophysical field characteristic (power of local earthquakes, endogenic microseisms, geotemperatures, the Earth's crust deformation, atmospheric pressure and temperature) registered at the Transcarpathian network of regime geophysical stations (RGS) in 1992-1997 have been carried out. To separate anomalous components from series of geophysical field characteristics harmonic components and trend have been excluded by means of filtration in a spectral domain.

Seismogeodynamic conditions of oil-gas deposits of Forecarpatian deflection

Seismogeodynamic conditions, complicating the operation of chinks on an example of Dolyna and Oryv-Ulychnyansk oil-gas deposits are considered. Intensive technology of production of oil on Dolyna deposit in 1974-1976 has provoked a series of appreciable earthquakes with intensity of 5-6 degree (MSK-64 scale).

Seismicity and some features of seismotectonics of Ukrainian Carpathians

On the basis of carried out specification of coordinates and depths of local earthquakes sources which was made by using of new methods the general spatial analysis of seismicity of the Ukrainian Carpathians and its concrete structural-tectonic zones was made. The distribution of earthquakes on the depth including on the Mizhgirya – Vyshkov – Shevchenko – Dolyna section was studied and some features of seismotectonics in the area around the north-east of connection of Oash and Transcarpathian deep faults was traced.