
Seismic moment tensor and focal mechanism of the October 9, 2023 earthquake in Eastern Slovakia

The accuracy of the focal mechanism solution mainly depends on the number of stations used and becomes problematic especially in the case of weak earthquakes and sparse networks. In our study, we retrieve the seismic moment tensor of the M=5 earthquake on 9 October 2023 (18:23:09 UTC, 21.783°E, 49.086°N, depth 11.5 km) in Eastern Slovakia from its records at only four seismic stations. Our seismic moment tensor inversion is based on the point source approach and the use of only direct waves calculated by the matrix method.

Identification of natural and technogenic seismic events by energy characteristics

One of the key problems of seismic monitoring is the identification of earthquakes and signals from technogenic sources detected by a network of seismic stations. In peacetime, technogenic events are mainly associated with industrial mining developments, however, with the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression against sovereign Ukraine, thousands of seismic signals from explosions as a result of missile, aircraft, artillery strikes were registered by the seismological network of the Main Center of Special Monitoring of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.

A study of the influence of water level fluctuations on the geodynamic situation in the natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester HPP and PSPP cascade

Purpose. Statistical information for the period from 2016 to 2021 was used to analyze seismic activity. Objective. The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between changes in water level and local seismic activity in the region. Using HPP and Psing filtering, the hypocenters of earthquakes within a radius of 30 km from the seismic station with the NDNU index were selected, and using geographic information technology tools, the hypocenters of earthquakes were compared with the geological structure of the region. Methodology.

Trends in horizontal and vertical crustal displacements based on international GNSS service data: a case study of New Zealand

The study analyzes the coordinate time series of five permanent International GNSS Service (IGS) stations located in New Zealand. It also considers their annual movement from 2009 to 2018. The raw data in the form of Receiver Independence Exchange (RINEX) files were taken from IGS database and processes by means of online processing service AUSPOS. Using coordinate time series, horizontal and vertical displacement rates were calculated covering the ten-year study period. According to the results, stations located at the North Island of New Zealand revealed an uplift of 31-32 mm/yr.

The research of interrelation between seismic activity and modern horisontal movements of the Сarpathian-Balkan region based on the data from permanent GNSS stations

The problem of earthquake prediction, as well as its interrelation with horizontal movements of the Earth’s crust has not still been solved. The purpose of the work is to establish a possible correlation between generalized parameters of horizontal movements of the Earth’s crust and seismicity. The Carpathian-Balkan region in connection with frequent and spatial differentiation of earthquake activity and well-known geological structures is chosen as a field for the research.

Emergence of earthquakes footprint in natural electromagnetic field variations

Purpose. It is well-known that strong earthquakes are typically accompanied by some phenomena which relate to variations of natural electromagnetic fields. Based on the idea about the mechanism of lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling we expect to detect some precursors of strong natural earthquakes in electromagnetic data sets recorded by magnetotelluric instruments far enough from epicenters.

Registration of seismic signals by tidal devices

Possibility of use of tidal devices for record of seismic waves from earthquakes and other geodynamic events is studied. It is investigated the inertial and gravitational contribution of   seismic signal to pendular seismometers and tidal devices (seismotiltmeter and gravimeter). These are identical devices and differ stability of blocks and in filtration parameters. Tidal devices are more sensitive in over-long-period area where the gravitational contribution is more. It is given examples of record of seismic fluctuations by tidal devices at some earthquakes.

Geoinformation system utilization in processing and interpretation of seismic data in the north-east of Russia

The structure of the geoinformation software «Seismicity of Magadan Region» which united 4872 seismic events (with K from 3.4 up to 16.8) occurred in Magadan region and on the surrounding areas from 1735 to 2011. As a result of geoinformation system usage errors in determination of the positions of 9 large earthquakes (К³12,0) on the given territory from 1988 to 1997 were found.

Construction of the geodynamic models of the seismic active regions of the earth (the Neftegorsk earthquake, Sakhalin island)

The constructed model for a deep structure of the lithospere under the Neftegorsk earthquake region shows that North Sakhalin consists of the North Sakhalin sedimentary basin, the Deryugin basin and the ophiolite complex located between them. The ophiolite complex composed of the the ultrabasic rocks, fixes the position of the ancient subduction zone which was active about 100-60 million years ago. On a surface the subduction zone manifests itself as deep faults running along Sakhalin.

The focal mechanism of Beregovo earthquake on November, 23 in 2006

For the first time for Transcarpathian region the solution of the focal mechanism of perceptible earthquake was solved. Earthquake occurred under the influence of the horizontal compression, oriented in latitudinal direction and near-horizontal tension of the submeridional orientation. A first-motion type in the source – strike-slip combined with reverse-oblique.