
About continuity of a long time regularities via parameters of the sources of earthquakes in the era of digital recording

Goal: - to analyze the focal parameters of Crimean earthquakes determined from records of analog and digital seismic stations; - to draw a conclusion about the degree of their correspondence and continuity to the properties and regularities received earlier with the use of only analogue equipment. Methodology. We have chosen the earthquakes in the south of  Ukraine registered parallelly by two kinds of seismographs at the “Simferopol” and “Alushta” stations.

Variations of induction vector in seismoactive regions

Purpose. In world practice there are observations of variations of induction vectors related to geodynamic processes. The purpose of this work is to compare time series of induction vector components at two Japanese stations Esashi (ESA) and Mizusawa (MIZ), located on the east coast of Honshu island at a distance of 19 km from each other, with a seismic activity in the region. Methodology.

Seismicity of central part of Ukrainian shield in 2007 - 2013 period

Purpose. To perform a comparative analysis of record forms and earthquake spectrograms and explosions in quarries and mines what located in area of Kriviy Rih iron-ore basin (Kryvbas) for detection of seismic event signs of different nature this region with magnitude Mb ≥ 3,0 is the research object. Methods.

Researches of length of the zone of Teisseyre-Tornkquist on the territory of the Western Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose of researches - to track traces of a zone of Teysseyre - Tornkvista (zone TT) in the territory of the western oil-and-gas region of Ukraine. Reasonable trace of the zone of Teysseyre-Tornkvista has important scientific and practical value. However still there are no unambiguous treatments of its situation in the territory of the West of Ukraine. The majority of researchers continue it from the territory of Poland rejecting to the southwest a little, and hiding under the Carpathians later. Width of this zone isn't established.

About migration of the extreme values of velocities of the crust dilatation in Europe

GNSS has become common practice in determining movements and deformations of the earth crust in the global and regional scale. The results of observations at 147 permanent GNSS-stations located in Europe have been used to calculate the parameters of crust deformation. Using the Delaunay triangulation, our study region was divided into a network of triangles. Calculated velocity of the dilatation are belonging to the centers of the elementary triangle which was divided our study region. Schemes of the dilatations distribution in Europe from 2000 to 2010 have been created.

Using data of infrasound measurements in Ukraine for explosions and earthquakes identification

Purpose. The purpose of research is to determine the possibility of using of infrasound measurements that carried out in Ukraine for verification of registered seismic events and using of infrasound method as one of the criteria for their identification. Methodology. Registration of seismic and infrasonic signals carried out with using of geophysical networks of Main Center of Special Monitoring (MCSM). To register infrasound the small aperture acoustic group systems are used, allowing directional monitoring of events.

By the earthquake prediction in areas of earth crust tension on measurements of stations of global navigation systems

Objective. The research objective is to determine relationship between crust tension forces and forces that operate in near-Earth space and earthquakes in entrails of the Earth, based on that was identifying opportunities for short-term earthquake prediction. Methods. Accumulation of earthquakes scores statistical information, their location and display time, as well as moon and sun (own observations, data from literature and Internet-resources) location information. Analysis of obtained data its comparison. Results.

On the unstable state of geological environment in the field of the future earthquake

Sumatra earthquake was accompanied by the similar strains on four deformation stations. This phenomenon can be explained by the unstable state of geological environment in the field of the future earthquake. It is necessary to use the data GPS side by side with the station data in order to obtain the reliable results.

Method of remote determining building destructions after the earthquake using software ERDAS

Data about results of earthquake are important when evaluation of damages and can be used by rescuers in emergency situations. Technological scheme of quantitative determination of destroyed objects caused by natural disaster on the example of fragmental space images of the city Senday (Japan) is presented in the paper.