The article highlights the peculiarities of a lawyer's participation in cases concerning the determination of children's place of residence, cases of participation in upbringing and the order of communication between parents and children.
The author analyzes the main provisions of family law and the rules of civil procedural law governing the determination of place of residence and upbringing of children. The article pays special attention to the analysis of the legal positions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on this issue.
In cases of child rearing, the lawyer's participation is usually associated with the divorce of the spouses, the establishment of a regime of separate residence of the spouses, however, in such cases the lawyer must draw the attention of the parties to the family interests and needs of the child. property or personal ambitions. According to the author, counseling through conciliation or mediation as an alternative to litigation can be an effective form of attorney participation in such cases.
Undoubtedly, parents must agree on the upbringing of the child, but, as the practice of considering such cases and implementing decisions in these family cases, it is difficult to reach such an agreement. In situations where parents cannot agree on participation in the upbringing and maintenance of children, the lawyer, as a professional representative, must explain to the client the benefits of peaceful, pre-trial settlement of such a dispute, primarily in the best interests of the child. on the exercise by parents of parental responsibilities for the upbringing, maintenance of the child, and the exercise by parents of their rights in this area.
As disputes concerning the child's place of residence are resolved either by the guardianship authorities or in court, a lawyer may be involved in providing legal assistance both in resolving the issue of the child's place of residence both administratively and in court. The author states that a lawyer as a representative in civil proceedings should help protect the interests of the client, but not contrary to the rights and interests of the child, children.
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