Individual and social constants of identity: philosophical and legal modeling of their interaction

Цитування за ДСТУ:   Давидюк В. (2023). Індивідуальні та соціальні константи ідентичності: філософсько-правове моделювання їх взаємодії. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: «Юридичні науки». Том 10. № 1(37). С. 59-64

Citation APA: Davydiuk V. (2023). Individual and social constants of identity: philosophical and legal modeling of their interaction. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences.  Vol. 10, No. 1(37), pp. 59-64.

Postgraduate student of I year of study Specialties 081 “Law”

The article outlines meaningful priorities that reveal the essence of identity, in particular, individual and social constants of identity are highlighted by means of philosophical and legal modeling of their interaction. It has been proven that the concept of identity has the potential of one of the most powerful concepts in today's globalized society. The phenomenon of identity is a unique prism through which the main spheres of human existence are understood, analyzed and interpreted. The actualization of identity as a social problem can be traced at all levels: household, state, political, religious, gender, etc.

The author found out that the concept of identity is neither an obvious nor a homogeneous construct, which has an undeniable meaning and value in various socio-cultural contexts. The constant and multifaceted interest in the phenomenon of identity gives reason to assert the incompleteness and openness of the discourse on identity as a category of philosophical and legal science. Therefore, today there is an urgent need to determine the prospects of further research in this direction, primarily through the study of two aspects: first, the methods of defining and evaluating the phenomenon of identity in small and large social groups in the conditions of a growing level of legal and social polarization and mistrust of various social institutions (state, legal, social) and the implementation of socially important decisions, that is, the transfer of rhetoric about identity from the individual-psychological level to the social-cultural and national level; secondly, the development of approaches to distinguishing "real" identity, its authentic dimension from "situational" identities in the conditions of opportunism of atomized societies, an example of which is currently Ukraine.

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