Axiological determination of constitutional identity

Цитування за ДСТУ: Гарасимів Т. (2023).  Аксіологічна детермінація конституційної ідентичності.  Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: «Юридичні науки». Т. 10. № 2(38). С. 22-28. 

 Citation APA: T. Harasymiv. (2023). Axiological determination of constitutional identity.  Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 2(38), pp. 22-28.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education


The article determines the axiological features of constitutional identity in the legal context of Ukraine. It was found that the constitutional identity to a large extent forms the political and legal system of the state, as it contains general laws and defining features acquired by the state in the process of its historical, cultural and legal development. That is, constitutional identity is something that, on the one hand, unites society and the institutions of the state, and on the other hand, provides distinctive features from other states. Axiological determination of constitutional identity allows us to conclude about a harmonious combination of elements of statics, which are expressed in the historically formed conditions of the political and legal life of a certain state, and dynamism, which is determined by the further course of development of our state in accordance with modern challenges.

It is noted that the source of constitutional identity is not only the constitutive provisions of the Basic Law, acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, but also the historical, mental, value and political basis. Therefore, constitutional identity, which is a reflection of public demand in law, must guarantee and protect the rights of individuals at the highest level, and in accordance with the national constitutional and legal system. This justifies the statement about the need for a deeper study of this legal phenomenon in order to establish an authentic organic connection with the people. Such a trend of the relationship between society and the norms that regulate it will contribute to the growth of constitutional patriotism, the establishment of rights and freedoms based on legal certainty and in compliance with the criterion of legitimate expectations.

It is concluded that achieving a balance between globalization and integration processes and the preservation of existing state and national values is extremely relevant for modern Ukraine, which during the full-scale armed aggression confirmed and steadfastly upholds the declared and constitutionally enshrined aspirations to adhere to the European and Euro-Atlantic vector.

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