Current tendencies of constitutionalism in the context of globalization

: 233-242

Mariia Antsyferova, Iryna Khomyshyn. Current tendencies of constitutionalism in the context of globalization.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Transformation of the national legal system in the conditions of globalization.

Recently, the scientific community has been discussing the development of various concepts of constitutionalism, such as transnational (global), international (international), multi-level and others, which provide for the creation and implementation of standards designed to solve global problems, which include prevention of wars, development and coordination of international relations on a peaceful basis, elimination of hunger and poverty, rational use of natural resources, prevention of terrorism and security, etc.

Discussions around global constitutionalism testify not only to scientific interest, but also to the gradual maturation of legal, political, economic, social and cultural, ideological and theoretical prerequisites for a new paradigm of both constitutional-legal and international-legal thinking.

The article discusses the impact of the era of globalization on the development of modern constitutionalism. Based on the methods of historical-legal and comparative-legal analysis, modern approaches to the definition of global constitutionalism are defined in order to understand the latest constitutionalism in the conditions of the modern development of interstate relations and interstate integration.

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